Creating Sections for Groups
Read articleCreating sections is an optional feature that allows admins to structure and organize their groups in whichever way makes sense for your organization - whether it’s by department, team, or project. Groups can be added to more than one section.
You can manage all your groups, including System for Cross-domain Identity Management (SCIM)-managed groups within sections. Currently, however, you cannot create sections via your SCIM integration, as they must be created in the product.
As an admin, you will be able to create sections and manage them on the Manage Groups page. As a group admin, you will not be able to create sections, but you will be able to view sections that have already been created for the groups that you manage.
Please note: the sections feature is only available for Enterprise plan users.
How to create a section
To create a section, please follow the steps outlined below:
1. Access the Manage tab at the top of the screen and click on Manage Users from the drop-down menu.
2. Click on Manage Groups on the left-hand side of the page. If you don’t have any groups already created, see the Creating User Groups article.
3. Click Create Section.
4. Enter the name of the new section.
5. Next, select the groups you would like to add to the section.
6. Finally, click Save Section.
Editing sections
To make changes to a section, click on the three dots to the right-hand side of the section’s name, then click on Edit Section to change the section’s name or add/remove groups from it.
Removing sections
To remove a section, click on the three dots to the right-hand side of the section’s name, then click on Remove Section.
Reporting on sections
You can get insights at the section level by selecting the section from the All Users filter at the top of the page, in each the following dashboards:
- User Activity
- Course Insights
- Ratings and Reviews
- Path Insights
- Adoption
- Data Export Reports
If you choose a section it will be highlighted with a check mark indicating all groups within the section are selected.
If you choose a section, and one of the groups in the section is also part of another section, then that section will be highlighted with a '-' to indicate it's partly selected.
Creating User Groups
Read articleCreating groups of users is an optional feature that allows you to segment your user base into specific groups for reporting purposes. Example groups could be setup as departments (e.g., Marketing or Finance) or office locations (e.g., San Francisco or London). You can add a user to more than one group.
If you plan to use this feature, we recommend creating all your groups before inviting users to join your account. Adding people to groups before they receive the invitation to join your account allows you to capture learning data by group from the very beginning, and saves you the trouble of adding users to groups later.
Please note: groups are available with the Enterprise Plan only.
How to create a user group
To create a group, please follow the steps outlined below:
1. Access the Manage tab at the top of the screen and click on Manage Users from the drop down menu.
2. Click Manage Groups at the bottom left of the page.
3. Next, click Create Group.
4. Type in the group name. You can also add group admin(s) to manage the group. Learn more about Group Admins.
5. Finally, click Create Group again.
After the group has been created, you can also add users to it via the CSV import feature.
Editing or deleting user groups
To delete a group, change its name, or download the list of users in a group, click on the group name. Next, click on the ellipses icon (three-dots) to the right of the group title. You will see the following options: Export this Group, Group membership log, Edit group name, and Delete this group.
How Admins Can Add Users to a Group
Read articleCreating groups of users is a way to segment your user base into specific groups for reporting and course assignment purposes. For example, you could create groups to match certain departments in your company or organization (e.g., Marketing or Finance). If you’ve created groups in your account and are ready to add users to them, this article outlines how you can do so.
Please note: Groups are available with the Enterprise Plan only.
- Learn how to create user groups.
- Learn how to invite users to your Udemy Business account.
- Learn how group admins can add users to groups.
Adding users to a group
Once you’ve created groups in your account, you can assign users to them by following these steps:
1) Navigate to Manage at the top of the page, and select Manage Users
2) Locate the user by entering their name or email address into the search tool, or by selecting multiple users via the multi-select checkbox.
3) Once you’ve located the user you wish to add to a group, click the ellipses on the right side of their profile icon. You can also access these options on the user’s profile page.
4) Select Add to a Group.
5) Select the group or groups that you wish to add the user to.
6) Click Save Changes.
Adding users to groups in bulk by selecting multiple users
To add multiple users to a group, please do the following:
- Select the users using the checkbox to the left of their name.
- Once the users are selected, a panel will appear and you can select ‘Add to group’.
- This will prompt a modal that will allow you to choose which groups to add the users to.
Adding Users to Groups in bulk via CSV import
Users can also be added to groups via a CSV import. For steps on how to add users to your account and groups in bulk, please click here.
How to remove a user from a group
Learn how to remove a user from a group.
For more information on managing users and groups in your account, please review our Navigating User Management article.
How Group Admins Can Add Users to a Group
Read articleGroup admins have the ability to add users to groups that they manage, so long as that user already has a Udemy Business license.
This article outlines the steps that group admins can take to add users to groups that they manage.
If you are an admin, learn how you can add users to groups.
Important: groups and group admins are only available to Enterprise Plan accounts.
How to add a user to a group
Add users to groups that you manage by following the steps below:
1) Navigate to Manage at the top of the page, and select Manage users.
2) Select Manage Groups on the left hand side of the page, or search for the group using the search bar.
3) From the Manage Groups page, select the group you wish to add the user to from the list of groups that you manage. If you searched for the group in Step 2, then select the group from the results.
4) Select the ‘Add user by email or name...’ option at the top of the group list.
5) Type in the name or email of the user you wish to add to your group
6) Select the user from the list to add them to the group.
Important: please remember that the user will need to already have a license within your Udemy Business account, otherwise they will need to be invited to join the account.
Group admins with Invite permissions will see an option to Invite users at the bottom of the dropdown results, however, group admins without invite permissions will not have this option.
Learn more about the various actions that group admins can take in Udemy Business accounts.
How to Remove Users From a Group
Read articleThis article explains how admins or group admins can remove users from groups that have been created in your Udemy Business account.
Please note: groups are available with the Enterprise Plan only.
- Learn how to create user groups.
- Learn how to add users to groups.
- Learn how to invite users to your Udemy Business account.
How to remove a user from a group
To remove a user from a group follow the steps below:
- Navigate to Manage at the top of the page, and select Manage users.
- Search for the user by name or email address to bring them up in the All users list.
- Click the ellipses icon on the right-hand side of their profile and then Edit Groups Membership.
- Click the box to the left of the group(s) you wish to remove the user from (so that the checkmark is removed).
- Next, click Save Changes.
How to remove multiple users from a group
To remove multiple users from a group, please do the following:
- Navigate to Manage at the top of the page, and select Manage users.
- Click Manage Groups and select the group from the list, or use the search option on the left hand side of the page.
- Select multiple users using the checkbox to the left.
- You can then remove those users from the group by clicking Remove from group.
To add the users to another group, select the applicable users and then click Add to another group.
How to remove users from groups via the CSV import
Review how admins can remove and manage users using the CSV import feature.
For more information on managing users and groups in your account, please review our Navigating User Management article.
The Manage Groups Page
Read articleThe Manage Groups page allows admins and group admins to easily visualize and manage all of their groups. As an admin, you can create groups, manage them, and group them under sections on this page. As a group admin, you can see the groups that you manage, and see sections that have been created to house the groups that you manage.
Accessing the Manage Groups page
To access the Manage Groups page, hover your mouse over Manage at the top right of your account and select Manage Users.
Next, click on Manage Groups on the left-hand side of the page.
Creating groups
Creating groups of users is an optional feature that allows you to segment your user base into specific groups for reporting purposes. To learn more about how to create a group, please review the Creating User Groups (Enterprise Plan Users Only) article.
Creating groups with SCIM
If you have System for Cross-domain Identity Management (SCIM) enabled at your organization, you can automatically create your groups and assign users to groups as they are set up in your IdP. To learn more about SCIM enablement, see Automating User & Group management with SCIM.
Creating sections
Sections allow admins to structure and organize groups in whichever way makes sense for their organization - whether it’s by department, team, or project. To learn more about how to create a section, see Creating Sections for Groups (Enterprise Plan Users Only).