Udemy Business includes our Badge Insights dashboard, which provides admins or group admins with an aggregated view of what badges your learners are working towards, or have imported into your Udemy Business account.
This enables you to easily identify, at a glance, the number of users within your organization who have validated their skills by earning a third party certification, as well as track how many learners are progressing towards their certifications within Udemy Business.
How to access the Badge Insights dashboard
Admins or group admins can access the Badge Insights dashboard by moving their cursor to Manage at the top of the page, and then by selecting Insights and reporting and then Badge Insights.
The data obtained from the imported badges are also available via APIs. For more information on integrating with the Badging APIs, input https://<company name>.udemy.com/dev-portal/api-reference/, with your organization’s domain reference.
Reviewing a specific learners’ certification badge achievements
Learn how admins and group admins can view their learners’ certification badge achievements.