• Configure and Customize Your Account Settings

    The Settings section of your Udemy Business account is where you can customize the appearance of your account, enable access features, and configure integrations such as Single Sign-On (SSO) and Slack sharing. To access the Settings area click Manage > Settings.

    What you can do in Settings:

    Please note: While you may see your domain (i.e. company.udemy.com) in your account settings, you will not be able to change this on your end.

    • If you have an Enterprise account, please reach out to your Customer Success partner to have your domain changed.
    • If you have a Team Plan account, please reach out to our Support team for assistance. Make sure to provide the new domain you’d like for your organization.



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  • Customizing my Account

    To customize your account appearance, upload three images: a logo, a background image and your company icon. Go to Manage > Settings > Customize Appearance

    1. Logo: upload a logo in one of the following formats: jpg, .jpeg, .gif, .png, .bmp. The logo should be at least 400 x 70 pixels.
    2. Background image: upload a background image for your login page. It should be at least 1920 x 1080 pixels.
    3. Icon: upload an optional square logo to use as a browser icon.  It should be at least 32x32 pixels.
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  • How to Set up Power BI to Consume Udemy Business API Data

    This article explains how admins can set up Power BI to access the Udemy Business API and consume applicable data for reporting purposes. 

    Setting up Power BI to access the Udemy Business API

    1. Log in at your organization’s domain with admin privileges. For example, your organization URL should look similar to the following example: https://yourdomain.udemy.com/organization/home/ .

    2. Enable the API at the API integration page (for example: https://yourdomain.udemy.com/organization-manage/settings/api-integration/).


    3. From the Start set-up button, select Other (example:  https://yourdomain.udemy.com/organization-manage/settings/lms-integration/), type, for instance, Power BI and save. This process will generate a client and secret ID.


    4. Return to API > Report API, and select a method as (example: https://yourdomain.udemy.com/developers/organization/reporting/methods/organizationuseractivity-list/get/).

    5. Insert the client ID and client secret. This will generate the authorization token that you will use on Power BI.


    6. Copy the authorization, open the file PowerBI_template and replace [insert-token] with authorization; Replace [insert-customer-domain] with yourdomain; Replace [insert-AccountID] with Organization_ID and save the file.


    7. Open Power BI desktop.

    8. Create a new DataSource Web, type in the home page for your organization (example: https://yourdomain.udemy.com/organization/home/), anonymous authentication.



    Note: If you are getting the error “Access to resource is forbidden” with anonymous authentication, use the full API endpoint URL, and switch the Authentication type to Basic.

    Enter the Client ID and Client secret as below (ensure the settings are applied to the highest level of the URL)

    Setting the authentication this way means that it is not required in the Power Query later in the process. Ensure the authentication code is removed from the script when you copy the Power Query across.

    9. Create a new DataSource Web, type https://yourdomain.udemy.com/organization/home/ , anonymous authentication.


    10. Click on Advanced Editor, select all information that you saved on PowerBI_template, and copy.



    11. Save

    • Note:  If you get an error message “the column "Column1" was not found", this indicates that there is no data.


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  • How to Find Your API Credentials in Udemy Business

    This article outlines how Udemy Business admins can find their API credentials for integrating Udemy with learning management systems (LMS) and learning experience platforms (LXP), or other custom integrations utilizing the Udemy Business REST APIs.  

    Please note:

    • APIs are only available to Enterprise customers.
    • This article does not apply for xAPI credentials, which instead will be found in the system you wish to push data from Udemy into. Learn more: Udemy Business xAPI.
    • For more information on integrations, please review our LMS and LXP Integration Partners.

    Udemy Business REST API consists of the following credentials.  If your API is already enabled, they can be found at the following URLs by replacing {{Org_Name}} with your own subdomain.

    • Client ID & Client Secret
        • https://{{Org_Name}}.udemy.com/organization-manage/settings/lms-integration/
    • Org ID (Account_ID)
        • https://{{Org_Name}}.udemy.com/developers/organization/courses/
        • https://{{Org_Name}}.udemy.com/developers/organization/reporting/
    • Org Name (Account Name)
      • This is the subdomain of your URL: https://{{Org_Name}}.udemy.com
      • Note: if you are using SumTotal, Org Name will be the full URL:  https://{{Org_Name}}.udemy.com

    If your API is not yet enabled, please follow the instructions below to enable your API and retrieve the credentials:

    How to enable and find your API credentials in Udemy Business

    1 - Click on Manage > Settings in the upper right of Udemy Business.


    2 - Click LMS/LXP integrations on the sidebar and then Start set-up.  Choose the system you will be integrating with from the drop-down menu, or Other, if your tool is not listed.  Click Save. Your API is now enabled.


    3 - Now that API is enabled, you can retrieve your API credentials. Client ID and Client Secret will now be available under Manage > Settings > LMS/LXP integrations.


    4 - Next, to find your Org ID (Account ID) click on API on the left navigation sidebar.  Then, click on either of the API documentation links.


    5 - Scroll about halfway down the page to the subsection Your API Client and Your Account ID.  Here you will find your Account_ID (same as Org ID).


    6 - Next, find your Org Name/Account Name: This is simply the subdomain of your Udemy Business URL:


    Now that you have your API credentials from Udemy Business you can plug these into your LMS/LXP or another system you wish to integrate with.  

    If you have additional questions about our APIs or setting up integrations, please feel free to contact your dedicated Customer Success Manager for assistance.



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  • Udemy Business Web APIs: Use Cases and Best Practices

    With Udemy Business Web APIs (REST/GraphQL/xAPI), easily connect your admin tools, LMS platform, and HR suites with Udemy's catalog of courses (via metadata), and learner engagement data.

    Empower workplace learning through:

    • Automated user data syncing between Udemy Business and your employee directory (e.g., Okta, Azure)
    • Embed search, discovery, and launch of Udemy Business courses and course lectures in your HR systems.
    • Pull real-time course engagement analytics for your org straight from your apps

    The Udemy Business Web APIs enable you to integrate world-class skills development from leading industry instructors into employees' daily flow of work. Upskill your workforce in top business, tech, and leadership competencies through Udemy's immersive video courses, curated learning paths, hands-on labs, assessments, and much more. Get started with a free trial of Udemy Business to experience the APIs firsthand. 

    • To review the Udemy API License Agreement, please visit: https://www.udemy.com/terms/api/
      • Note: depending on how your company signed up for its Udemy Business account, you may be subject to additional or different terms, as listed in the agreement your company has signed.

    Please Note: Access to Udemy Business APIs in this workspace requires an Enterprise Udemy Business subscription. If you're an existing customer, please contact Udemy Business Support if you need help with the APIs in this workspace. If you're not yet a Udemy Business customer, please contact sales@udemy.com.  If you wish to become a Technology Partner with Udemy, please submit a request to our Partnership team.

          Overview of available APIs

    The Udemy Business Postman API workspace contains two types of Udemy Business APIs:

    • REST - Integrate the Udemy Business course catalog and learner engagement data into your systems
    • GraphQL - Search Course and Lecture metadata, and implement updates


    Udemy Business also offers an xAPI near real-time service. xAPI (or Experience API) is an e-learning data and specification interface standard to collect and share data about a learner’s experience, within the context of a wide range of learning activities. Udemy's xAPI service sends the following verbs corresponding to a learner’s progress and completion of a course:

    1. Progress event
    2. Completion event

    These xAPI statements are POSTed to your xAPI-compatible system (e.g., LMS/LXP) in near real-time as the events occur in Udemy. Note that not all LMS or LxP systems support xAPI. Please check with those vendors for their support. For more information about Udemy Businesss xAPI, please visit our Help Center article. For setup, please review this Help Center resource. Key benefits of an xAPI-enabled integration can also be found in the preceding article.

    Enabling your Udemy Business Client APIs:
    Only Udemy Business admins can enable the REST or GraphQL APIs.

    1. As an admin, log in to your Udemy Business site.
    2. For the REST APIs, navigate to Manage/Settings/LMS/LXP Integrations (it's more than just LMS or LXP integrations, but these systems tend to be common integration points for Udemy)
      1. Enable the Integration; you can choose "Custom Integration" to set up a generic name.
      2. Use the Client ID and Client Secret in your API Client (or this Postman Collection - be sure to copy the Postman Collection to your Private Workspace)
    3. For the GraphQL APIs, navigate to https://ACCOUNT_NAME.udemy.com/dev-portal/api-clients/, where ACCOUNT_NAME is your unique subdomain and Udemy Business vanity URL.
    4. From the API Client page, activate your GraphQL API.

    Top use cases

    Whether you use an LMS, HCM platform, or custom admin portal, you can leverage Udemy Business APIs for various use cases. The following use cases are the most common:

    Discover and launch courses

    • Search and browse through thousands of Udemy Business courses from within your internal system (e.g., Learning Management System, or Learning Experience Platform)
    • Enable single sign-on (SSO) to seamlessly access your Udemy Business site when launching Udemy Business Courses (or Course Lectures) from your internal system
    • Track learner course assignments, progress, and completion in your internal system

    Reporting and analytics

    • Import comprehensive engagement data
    • Analyze course enrollments, progress, and performance
    • Map learning to skills for development initiatives
    • Align with broader L&D strategy and goals

    Skills gap analysis

    • Match employee skills gaps to relevant Udemy Business courses, or course lectures
    • Personalize suggested Courses, or Course Lectures, to address skills gaps
    • Onboard more efficiently with targeted recommendations

    Work alongside our solutions engineering team for a tailored integration experience. Contact Udemy Business to explore partnership opportunities.

     Best practices

    Optimize Udemy Business API integration

    Enable seamless learner access with SSO:

    • Configure SAML 2.0 or SCIM for your Udemy Business Application with your Identify System, to enable frictionless user login and course access
    • Automate account creation and updates
    • Centralize access to your Udemy Business enterprise learning platform

    GraphQL is preferred for course data:

    • Incremental updates for optimal syncing vs. bulk loads
    • Avoid repetitive calls with built-in caching
    • Use semantic Search for optimal course and course lecture matching

    Filter, sort, paginate:

    • Utilize query parameters to retrieve only relevant data
    • Control result sets for performance

    Evaluate complexity to prevent over-fetching:

    • Analyze API call volume and frequency
    • Implement rate limiting to prevent abuse
    • Load test to validate scalability

    Following API best practices ensures performant, sustainable integrations between Udemy Business and your core HR or other third-party systems. The Udemy Business Sales & Solutions Engineers can advise on an integration strategy tailored to your use cases and infrastructure.

    Help and support

    If you have any questions, please contact our Customer Support team or our Partner Support team.

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  • Updating the Payment Method for Your Team Plan Account

    This article outlines how admins for Team Plan accounts can update the payment method on file or remove a saved payment card. 

    How to update the payment method on file

    Admins of Team Plan accounts can update the payment method on file for their accounts by taking the following steps:

    1. Log into your Udemy Business account
    2. Navigate to Manage > Settings > Billing
    3. Click on Add payment method
    4. Input your card details
    5. Click Save Card

    How to remove a saved card

    To remove a saved payment method, please do the following:

    1. Log into your Udemy Business account
    2. Navigate to Manage > Settings > Billing
    3. Click on the garbage icon in the Payment Method section
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  • Account Owners: How to Approve the Migration of Data

    This article outlines how account owners can approve the migration of learning data, when a request to merge Udemy Business sites related to their company has been submitted.

    Please note: Once both account owners approve the migration, the source site will go into maintenance mode and users will be unable to access Udemy for Business. Please be sure to review the section below regarding the maintenance mode.

    Table of Contents

    Beginning the data migration process

    Once your Customer Success partner has started the migration process, the account owners of both sites (the source and destination Udemy Business sites) will each receive an email to approve the migration. 

    Source site approval process

    If you are the account owner of the source site

    1. Click on Start Approval Process. Then, follow the instructions to log in to your Udemy Business account. 

    Please note: If you are logging in with single sign-on (SSO) and being redirected to the homepage, please click on the Start Approval Button again to continue.

    2. Enter the Destination URL (where you would like data to be migrated to) and then click Proceed. 

    Please be sure to enter the correct URL. Otherwise, you will receive an error message and will not be able to move forward.

    3. Review the information, check the box and click Approve to agree to migrate the data. 

    4. You will receive a confirmation pop-up to advise that the migration is in progress. 

    Destination site approval process

    If you are the account owner of the destination site:

    1. Click on Start Approval Process. Then, follow the instructions to log in to your Udemy Business account. 

    Please note: If you are logging in with single sign-on (SSO) and being redirected to the homepage, please click on the Start Approval Button again to continue.

    2. Enter the Source URL (where you would like data to be migrated from) and then click Proceed. 

    Please be sure to enter the correct URL. Otherwise, you will receive an error message and will not be able to move forward.

    3. Review the information, check the box, and click Approve to agree to migrate the data.

    4. You will receive a confirmation pop-up to advise that the migration is in progress.

    Important information regarding maintenance mode following approval

    Once both account owners approve the migration, the source site will go into maintenance mode, which means it will not be possible for users to access that Udemy for Business site. All integrations such as SSO, SCIM, or LMS will also be disabled in the source site in order to preserve the data to be migrated.

    Important note regarding SSO and SCIM integrations

    As part of the migration process, SSO and SCIM integrations will be disabled on the source site. Once the migration process is complete, admins will need to grant access to the migrated users within their Identity Providers for SSO and SCIM. 

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  • Requesting Services to Merge Multiple Udemy Business Sites

    This article describes the capabilities of an approved request to merge your Udemy Business sites.


    Please note: If not yet approved, please get in touch with your Customer Success partner as Udemy reserves the right to evaluate each request for scoping and feasibility. 


    For example, If your company has two Udemy Business sites (such as a regional site uk-company.udemy.com and a global site company.udemy.com), you can request to have them merged. This means users and their learning history will be moved from one site into one single domain.

    Udemy Business supports merging Enterprise plan or Team plan sites into Enterprise plan sites. In other words, we do not support merging two Team plan sites or merging an Enterprise plan site into a Team plan site.

    Table of Contents

    Reasons to combine multiple Udemy Business sites

    Some of the reasons you might want to merge Udemy Business sites are listed below:

    • Your company has multiple Udemy Business accounts, contracts, and sites, that you’d like to merge into one
    • You’d like to make it easy for your learners to access Udemy Business on one site
    • You want a centralized view of your learner insights for the entire company
    • Your company may be going through a merger or acquisition and both sites need to be merged.

    How to request the migration of data to another Udemy Business site 

    1. Contact your Customer Success partner 

    2. When contacting us, please advise: 

    • Source URL of the site you wish to move the data from.
    • Destination URL of the site you would like to migrate the data into.

    3. Your Customer Success partner will follow up with more information and next steps.

    Please note: 

    • Once the migration starts, the source site will go into maintenance mode and users will be unable to access that Udemy Business domain.
    • The destination site needs to have enough unused licenses to onboard the migrated users from the source site.

    Data migration eligibility

    Types of data available for migration that are included in your Udemy Business subscription

    Your subscriptions to Udemy Business currently includes the following types of data, which are eligible to be  transferred from one site to another: 

    • User profiles 
    • Course enrolments
    • Course progress
    • Insights and Reporting

    Types of data available for migration through paid services 

    Presently, paid services are necessary to migrate certain types of data from one site to another. These types include, but are not limited to: 

    User roles (as part of the migration process all users will be assigned to the user role. If necessary, users can then be assigned the admin or the group admin role in the destination site)

    • Imported courses 
    • Groups
    • Sections
    • Approved domain configuration
    • LMS configuration
    • SCIM data
    • SSO data
    • Pending invitations
    • Course exclusions (if the course exclusion should be applied in the destination organization, please contact Udemy Business Support).
    • Custom categories
    • Custom courses
    • Custom learning paths
    • Learning paths enrolments
    • Course assignments

    Please note: 

    Udemy is offering Merge Orgs as a paid service offering to fill some of these gaps and ensure the merge process goes smoothly.  The paid service offering is not currently available in every country. 

    If you’re interested in learning more, we recommend connecting with your account’s Customer Success partner.


    Types of data unavailable for migration

    The following types of data cannot be transferred at this time:

    • Duplicate users - If you have any duplicate learners, i.e. a learner with the same email address on both sites, their data will not be migrated. Their data on the destination site will remain. 
    • Subscription details (as well as available licenses)

    Exporting data that is not being migrated

    Metadata of curated courses, learning paths, groups, and sections can be exported so customers can  recreate them on the destination Udemy Business site (if necessary).

    Important note regarding SSO and SCIM integrations

    As part of the migration process, SSO and SCIM integrations will be disabled during the time of the merge on the source site. Once the migration process is complete, admins will need to grant access to the migrated users within their Identity Providers for SSO and SCIM. 

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