Getting Help
Read articleThe best and quickest way for your users to get assistance with any technical issues they experience within your account is to file a ticket with our Customer Support team. A member of our team can help troubleshoot the issue.
Share to Microsoft Teams: How to Use The Udemy Business Integration
Read articleThis article explains how admins can use our Microsoft Teams integration, so your organization’s employees can easily share Udemy Business content to their Microsoft Teams channels, groups and users.
Table of contents
- The value of using our Microsoft Teams integration
- How do I turn on or off "Share to Microsoft Teams"?
- How do I share to Microsoft Teams?
The value of using Microsoft Teams
We believe that social learning is essential to building and maintaining a learning culture. Social sharing leverages the expertise and recommendations of colleagues - ones who are on the same team or those who share similar learning interests.
With our Microsoft Teams integration, employees can easily share Udemy Business content to their Microsoft Teams channels, groups and users. Whether it’s a course that will help the team complete a project, a hands-on lab that builds deep expertise in a technology, or sharing a learning path to drive specific learning outcomes, sharing via Microsoft Teams encourages continuous learning within your organization.
Our goal is to help extend the influence of L&D teams and managers to help them build a learning culture.
How do I turn on or off "Share to Microsoft Teams"?
1. Log in to your Udemy Business account and move your cursor to Manage at the top of the page.
2. Select Settings from the drop down menu and then Social integrations on the left-hand side.
3. Turn on the Share button for Microsoft Teams.
Once turned on, employees will now see a Share to MS Teams icon on the content landing pages and the context menu for content where they can share the course with people and channels:
How do I share to Microsoft Teams?
- Click on the Share to MS Teams from the content landing pages or the context menu of the content cards.
- This would open up a MS Teams share modal if you are already signed into your Microsoft Teams instance.
- From here, you can select the channels, groups or users that you want to share to, customize the message and click “Share”.
Assessments: How to Assign Assessments and Create Auto-Assign Rules
Read articleAssessments is a feature that helps learners identify their skill level in a topic and guides them to personalized content based on their skillset. This article outlines how admins and group admins can easily direct learners to measure their skills by assigning an assessment, and set up auto-assign rules to automatically assign assessments to new members of a group.
Please note: Assessments are only available to Udemy Business Pro users.
How to assign an assessment
To assign an assessment, click on the assessment’s menu icon and click Assign.
From here, you can specify specific users or groups that you’d like to assign to, as well as set a due date.
How to create an auto-assign rule
To create an auto-assign rule, first select a group and then click Automatically assign this lab to new users added to your account. When new users are added to that group, they will be assigned the assessment.
How to Customize Sign up Error Messages
Read articleThere are three methods by which users can access Udemy Business - SSO (Single Sign-On), Invitation from admin/group admin or ‘self-serve’ invitation using an approved email domain. In all three methods, there are some scenarios whereby users are blocked from accessing the platform when joining. The reasons could be:
There are no more licenses available
The user has not been invited
The user has not been provisioned for a license in SSO
The user was deactivated previously but they try to rejoin
When a user is blocked for any of the above reasons, they see a generic message telling them to contact their IT department or manager for help.
With this feature, however, you have the option to add your own customized message to tell your users what to do or who to contact, if they can’t access Udemy Business.
To add your own message about who to contact or what to do, go to the Custom Error Message page in Settings.
Click the ‘Edit’ function to enter the contact information that will display as part of the message. A modal will open with a text editor to write the message. We allow email addresses and urls / links to be added to the message. The text editor options include Bold, Italics, Link. Please note there is a limit of 200 characters for the message. After you have entered your message, click ‘Save Message’ to save it.
Once you have saved your message, you can see how it looks, by clicking ‘See more’ in the Example message section under the message panel.
Please note: the custom message feature is only accessible to the owner and admins of the account and is is not accessible by group admins.
How to Create an Auto-Assign Rule
Read articleTo make it even easier to manage assigned learning, admins and group admins can now create a "rule" that automatically assigns learning (courses or learning paths) to new users added to a group.
How to access the Assign option and create an auto-assign rule
1. To create an auto-assign rule, navigate to the course or learning path you’d like to assign and click Assign.
2. Next, enter in the group you’d like to assign to and select the checkbox Automatically assign when new users are added to this group.
3. Select a due date: If you wish to select a Due date for the rule, you can select from two options:
- Select a specific, upcoming date on the calendar.
- Note:
- All users assigned to a group will receive the same auto-assigned due date, regardless of when they are added to the group. So, for example, if a user is added to a group two days before the due date, they will have two days to complete the assignment.
- Auto-assign rules will be automatically deactivated after the calendar date expires.
- Or, set a due date based on how many days the assignee will have to complete the assignment after it’s assigned.
- For example, if you set an automatic due date of 30 days, all users assigned to this group will have 30 days to complete the course, regardless of when they are assigned to the group. The rule will not expire.
4. Once the assign rule is set, any messaging created with the rule will be sent to new users, so long as the rule is active.
Additional important notes:
- Imported courses cannot be auto-assigned.
- An auto-assign rule will be deactivated if a Udemy Business course is retired from the collection, a custom course is made private, unpublished, or deleted, or if the due date assigned has passed.
- While active assignment rules cannot be modified, admins and group admins can deactivate an active rule and create a new rule if they’d like to change the message, group(s) assigned, or due date.
- At least one user must be assigned to a group before an auto-assign rule can be created.
Labs: How to Assign Labs and Create Auto-Assign Rules
Read articleLabs are a learning experience that allow learners to apply their skills by completing real-world projects using workspaces. This article outlines how admins and group admins can easily direct learners to practice their skills by assigning a lab, and can set up auto-assign rules to automatically assign labs to new members of a group.
Learn more about labs and which ones are available.
Please note: Labs are only available to Udemy Business Pro users.
How to assign a lab
To assign a lab, click on the lab’s menu icon and click Assign.
From here, you can specify specific users or groups that you’d like to assign to, as well as set a due date.
How to create an auto-assign rule
To create an auto-assign rule, first select a group and then click Automatically assign this lab to new users added to your account. When new users are added to that group, they will be assigned the lab.
Learn how to assign courses in Udemy Business.
Learner Check-in and Learner Feedback
Read articleThis article outlines the Learner Check-in feature, which Udemy Business admins can use to better understand employee sentiment towards Udemy Business.
Table of Contents
- About the Learner Check-in feature
- How to access the Learner Feedback page
- How to activate/pause the Learner Check-in
- What questions will learners be asked in the Learner Check-in?
- Learner Feedback dashboard
- Have your learners found Udemy Business helpful?
- How has Udemy Business been helpful?
- How can we help improve your experience?
- Group admin access
- Data freshness
About the Learner Check-in feature
The Learner Check-in feature empowers our Udemy Business admins with actionable insights to guide and optimize their learning programs.
Admins will be able to receive employee feedback on their learning experience on Udemy Business and understand any barriers that employees may be facing in relation to learning. This information will help you optimize and improve your current learning strategies so your employees gain more value out of learning on Udemy Business.
How to access the Learner Feedback page
Enterprise Plan
1. Click on the Manage menu in the top right of the screen.
2. On the Admin Overview page, select View check-in results. You can also find it from the menu on the left-hand side.
How to activate/pause the Learner Check-in
After accessing the Learner Feedback page, click on Manage Settings.
The Learner Check-in feature is an automated notification sent to all your employees through the Udemy Business product as a pop-up.
Learner Check-in will be activated automatically and configured to check in with learners every 3 months.
When the Learner Check-in is activated, learners will be prompted for feedback when they land on the Udemy Business home page. It will only be shown to learners who have been on Udemy Business for at least three months and have enrolled in at least one course.
Learners can choose to answer the questions or to close the Learner Check-in without answering by clicking the ‘x’ in the top right corner to close the modal.
- If a learner closes the modal without answering the questions, it won’t appear in their account again for one week.
- If a learner closes the survey three times without answering the questions, it won’t appear in their account again until the next check-in cycle begins.
What questions will learners be asked in the Learner Check-in?
Learners will be asked whether they find Udemy Business helpful. If they respond with “Yes”, then they will be asked to select an answer that provides more information as to how. If none of the options pertain to them they can select “Other”.
In addition, all learners will be asked to provide feedback on how Udemy Business can improve their learning experience, regardless of how they respond to previous questions.
Learners will be notified that their feedback is anonymous.
Learner Feedback dashboard
Data on the Learner Feedback dashboard will only be shown when there are at least 5 responses. This also applies if any filters are selected.
Have your learners found Udemy Business helpful?
This section will show the total number of respondents and the percentage who responded that they have found Udemy Business helpful. This will give you an at-a-glance idea of what overall learner sentiment looks like.
How has Udemy Business been helpful?
This section will surface some of the stories and anecdotes from your learners that demonstrate how Udemy Business has helped them. This will give you a better understanding of the value that your learners are getting from it.
You can filter the comments by the option selected.
How can we help improve your experience?
This section will give you some guidance as to which are the most common barriers to learning that your employees face and help you to identify some ways to tackle these.
Group Admin access
Group admins currently do not have access to the learner feedback dashboards.
Data freshness
The data freshness notice shows that the Learner Feedback dashboard is updated in real-time as feedback is collected via the Learner Check-in.
Resources to Increase Adoption and Engagement of Udemy Business
Read articleHere at Udemy Business, we’re committed to helping you achieve your business objectives and drive learning at your organization. We’ve built a Resources section in your admin dashboard featuring guides, tips and webinars on engagement tactics, communication templates and admin resources to help you increase adoption and engagement of Udemy Business.
This feature is available for admins and group admins within Enterprise accounts. To access this feature, navigate to Manage → Resources.
Within Resources, you’ll have access to the following guides and tips:
Getting Started
Quick Start Guide
How to get started with Udemy Business, including customizing your account, managing users and assigning courses.
New Admin Training
An in-depth training for admins, including how to launch Udemy Business, strategies for developing a culture of learning, and an overview of our admin capabilities.
About Udemy Business
An overview of Udemy Business and our content curation model.
API Documentation
An in-depth look at our API capabilities, requirements and how to integrate.
Udemy Business Course List
A comprehensive list of all courses available in the Udemy Business collection.
Engagement Tactics
Engagement Best Practices Best practices on how to drive learning in your organization, including examples of scalable learning initiatives you can launch internally and custom content you can create.
Marketing Tactics to Build a Culture of Learning
A marketing guide to promote your learning initiatives. This guide includes a framework to build awareness, adoption, retention and referral across your users.
Creating Your Own Courses Guide
How to create your own courses in Udemy Business, with some great examples of the content you can create.
Please click here if you have any questions or feedback.
Share to Slack: How to Use The Udemy Business Integration
Read articleWe believe that social learning is essential to building and maintaining a learning culture. Social sharing leverages the expertise and recommendations of colleagues - ones who are on the same team or share similar interests with your employees.
With our Slack integration, employees can easily share Udemy Business courses to their Slack channels and to colleagues. Whether it’s a course that will help the team complete a project, content on an interesting topic, or sharing a learning path to drive specific learning outcomes, sharing via Slack encourages continuous learning within your organization.
Our goal is to help extend the influence of L&D teams and help them build a learning culture.
Table of contents
How do I turn on "Share to Slack"?
Admins can turn on the Slack integration by following these steps:
1. Log in to your Udemy Business account and open the Manage > Settings > Social integration page.
2. Turn on the Share button for Slack.
Once turned on, employees will now see a Share to Slack icon on the course landing pages where they can share the course with people and channels:
How do I turn on the Udemybot?
Admins can also enable the Udemybot - an automated Slack message that summarizes the top 5 courses taken at your organization.
1. Log in to your Udemy Business account and open the Manage › Settings > Social integration page.
2. Click Install.
3. You will then be asked by Slack to authorize Udemy Business.
Note: Depending on your company’s Slack settings, you may need to ask a Slack admin to approve Udemy Business for use in your Slack workspace.
4. After authorizing, follow the instructions on the Social integration page to configure the Udemybot to post to channels of your choosing.
Udemy Business Learning Management System Integration: xAPI
Read articlexAPI (Experience API) is an e-learning data and specification interface standard to collect and share data about a learner’s experience, within the context of a wide range of learning activities including online and offline.
Please note: the xAPI integration is available with the Enterprise Plan only.
Table of contents
Through the xAPI integration with a third-party system like an LMS/LXP/LRS, Udemy Business sends activities corresponding to a learner’s progress and completion of a course. Learn more about the xAPI statements Udemy Business sends.
Integration configuration
Configuring Udemy Business to post xAPI statements to a supported LMS/LXP can be done from the administration user interface in Udemy Business once the related configuration is done on the LMS/LXP first. Below are the steps to be followed*
*Please note that step 1 and 2 need to be done on the LMS/LXP side.Step 1: Register Udemy Business as an API application in your LMS/LXP and generate client credentials
This step is done within your LMS/LXP. Check the administration module in your LMS/LXP to configure an xAPI integration. You should have an option to register a client application and generate a client id and client secret for the API application.
When generating the client credentials, ensure that the scope of access is set to xapi:write. (Note: Without this scope, the xAPI statements sent from Udemy Business to the LMS/LXP will fail.)
Discuss with your LMS/LXP administrator to perform this step.
Step 2: Procure the OAuth token endpoint and xAPI statement endpoint from your LMS/LXP
This step is done within your LMS/LXP. Your LMS/LXP instance should have a URL for the OAuth token endpoint and the xAPI statement endpoint.
The OAuth token endpoint is what Udemy Business will call to generate auth tokens by providing the client id and client secret generated in step 1. Using the generated token, Udemy Business will then POST the xAPI statements to the statement endpoint.
Token endpoint URL: https://udemy.lms.com/v3/oauth2/access-token
xAPI statement endpoint URL: https://udemy.lms.com/v3/xapi/statements
Please note: make sure that the endpoint URLs are accurate. Check with your LMS/LXP to get the correct endpoint URLs for your instance.
Step 3: Configure xAPI integration in Udemy Business
1. Navigate to Manage → Settings → LMS/LXP integrations
2. For LMS/LXP partners not included, please select “Other”, provide the LMS/LXP integration with a name and select “Save.”
Note: The below setup page is common for enabling API keys to access the Udemy Business REST APIs (course and reporting APIs), and also to setup xAPI. Even if your LMS/LXP is listed in the drop-down, there may not be support to configure xAPI Integration for it yet.
3. Once you select your LMS and select Save, proceed to the screen below. The first section provides you the API keys to access the standard Udemy Business REST APIs (course and reporting API).
4. Select Edit integration in the top right-hand corner & toggle xAPI configuration to On. The section highlighted below corresponds to the xAPI configurations. Provide the OAuth token URL, client id, client secret and the xAPI statement URL.
5. Once the details have been provided, click Test Credentials to check that the Udemy Business instance is able to reach the token URL. Click Save to store your configurations successfully. Note: This test only verifies that Udemy Business is able to successfully access the token endpoint.
6. Now your xAPI integration with your LMS/LXP is set up and ready for use.
7. Learner progress and completions should now flow to the LMS/LXP automatically in near real-time.
Configuration - special cases
The steps described above should be followed ONLY when your LMS/LXP
- supports both progressed and completed events and
- accepts the mbox (email) as the actor’s identifier.
If the xAPI configuration is displayed on the Udemy Business admin page against your selected LMS, then any custom changes (example: your LMS/LXP supporting only completion events or requiring an actor identifier that is different from mbox - email) would already be taken care of by the Udemy Business implementation. However, if your LMS shows on the list but has no xAPI configuration section, or if you have a custom LMS that is NOT on this list and has special requirements around the actor identifier and/or the verbs, please contact Udemy Business Support to provide those requirements.
Benefits of xAPI
Udemy Business already supports REST APIs for reporting purposes (user activity, user course activity and user progress APIs). These APIs include both granular transaction data (at a lecture level) and aggregated summary data (at a course level). Because of these differing levels of aggregation, these APIs have lag times that can range from 8 to 14 hours for new data to be made available. However, xAPI statements are near real-time with minimal lag, but they provide less information.
Below is a table that summarizes the key differences between the standard reporting REST API and the xAPI event stream.
Reporting REST APIs
Provides near real-time publishing of completion events. Low latency.
Involves a lag of ~8 hrs before completion events are made available.
Follows an industry standard for capturing & reporting a learner's experience in a learning environment.
Does not follow a standard data model, thus may require customizations to port the data to different systems.
The standard data model helps systems to interact with each other easily & build a 360 degree view of the learner's experience from multiple places.
Interaction between multiple systems would require data translations and mapping between the participating systems.
Resource Consumption
Udemy Business PUSHes the events to the 3rd party system, thereby these systems don't have to PULL. from Udemy Business. This results in lesser resource consumption and scalability issues.
Requires 3rd party systems to PULL data from Udemy. When requests and payloads increase it can lead to timeout issues.
Rapidly developing industry standard. Allows us to expand to a wide range of learner experience events (in the future) - e.g., tracking granular progress within a content, interactions, search, review etc.
Limited to completion, progress events at a lecture and course level currently, though extending it is possible. However, this may require relatively more work as there are no standards in place.
Supporting Users - General
Getting Help
Read article -
Share to Microsoft Teams: How to Use The Udemy Business Integration
Read article -
Assessments: How to Assign Assessments and Create Auto-Assign Rules
Read article -
How to Customize Sign up Error Messages
Read article -
How to Create an Auto-Assign Rule
Read article -
Labs: How to Assign Labs and Create Auto-Assign Rules
Read article -
Learner Check-in and Learner Feedback
Read article -
Resources to Increase Adoption and Engagement of Udemy Business
Read article -
Share to Slack: How to Use The Udemy Business Integration
Read article -
Udemy Business Learning Management System Integration: xAPI
Read article