• How to Change the Course Video Speed

    This article explains how to adjust the video speed on your course to play your lectures at a faster or slower speed on your browser.

    How to change the video speed

    After accessing the course player, click the video speed icon at the bottom-left of the course player and select a different speed.

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  • How to Change the Course Video Quality

    This article explains how to change the video quality of your course. While Udemy Business automatically optimizes video resolution based on your internet connection speed, you can adjust this setting at any time. 

    How to adjust the video quality

    After accessing the course player, the video quality can be adjusted by clicking on the Settings (gear) icon and selecting a different resolution.


    Experiencing Problems?

    If your internet speed is low, please try lowering the video quality of the lecture. 

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  • How to Mark a Lecture or Course Item as Complete

    This article explains how to complete a lecture or course item (including PDFs, practice tests, and quizzes) as you progress through your courses. In order to access your certificate of completion, all lectures and relevant course curriculum items will need to be marked as complete.

    How do I know if a lecture is complete?

    Under Course Content, a checkmark will appear next to any lecture or course item that is complete.

    Please note: On Udemy Business, lectures and course items cannot be manually marked as complete, and checkboxes cannot be manually adjusted. If you receive a popup message close to the checkbox, please move your cursor away from the screen. 

    How to Complete a Lecture or Course Item

    Follow the steps based on the type of lecture and/or course item:

    Video lectures: Watch the full video from beginning to end to complete the lecture.

    Text and PDF-based lectures: Keep the page open until the lecture is marked as complete. If  PDFs or links are included, please open these resources as well.


    Assignments: View steps on how to complete an assignment

    • Please note: Assignments do not need to be complete in order to complete the course. You can move forward without having a checkmark on them and you will still receive a certificate.   

    Quizzes: Every quiz question must be answered without skipping to be completed. 

    Practice tests: You must receive a passing score based on the percentage required to pass to complete the lecture. Learn about taking practice tests


    Slide lectures (presentations): All slides must be opened to complete the lecture. Click on the left and right icons to move slides.

    Coding exercise: View steps on how to complete coding exercises

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  • Downloading Supplemental Resources

    Many instructors choose to include supplemental resources with their course like PDFs, design templates, sheet music or source code. These resources can be downloaded to your computer for quick access.

    If a lecture has resources available it will be indicated by a folder icon on the right-hand side of the course player.


    If you click on the folder icon the downloadable resources will appear, and you can download the file by clicking on the resource's title.


    If you're having trouble accessing the file, or if something doesn't look right, please contact the instructor or support

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  • How to Ask a Question About a Course You're Taking

    If you have a question about a lecture or resource for a course you are enrolled, this article explains how you can quickly search for answers to your question in the Q&A or ask the instructor. 

    Please note:

    • Depending on your organization’s settings, the features to contact the instructor may be disabled. If this is the case, please contact your account’s administrator for additional information or assistance.
    • Instructors have the option to turn off the messaging feature. 
    • The direct messaging feature is not available on the Udemy Business mobile app.

    Table of Contents

    What is the Q&A feature?

    In the Q&A, you can view answers for questions posted by other learners, as well as Featured Questions that instructors or teaching assistants have selected or created for their course. 

    If you can’t find an answer to your question, you can also ask your question. 

    How to access the Q&A

    To access the Q&A, click the Q&A icon below the course player.

    access q&a.jpg

    Type your question in the Search all course questions option, and questions and answers containing the same words will also be included.

    You can also use the different dropdowns to help you find the information you’re looking for.

    How to ask a new question

    If your question has not been asked, click Ask a new question, and follow the instructions to submit your question. 

    ask a question.jpg

    Please note

    • Your question should be focused on course content. Information on certificates and video troubleshooting is available in the Help Center.
    • Text must be entered into the Title or Summary field to enable the Publish button.

    Follow a question and its responses

    You can prioritize questions and responses you wish to monitor in the Q&A. Click on the question, and then click Follow replies. You will receive a notification when a student or instructor responds.


    To stop following a question and the thread of responses, click Following Replies.

    The instructor’s availability

    When asking a question, be sure to see if the course instructor has posted their availability in the Q&A and when you can expect an answer. 

    Edit or delete your question

    To edit or delete your question, click on the question, and then click on the three dots that appear at the top right of your post. 

    Please note: The instructor, teaching assistant, or learner who posed the question can delete the post. 


    How to send a direct message to your course instructor

    The Q&A is typically the fastest way to get answers to questions you have about a course. If direct messaging is enabled, enrolled students can send a message.

    Navigate to your Messages by clicking on the profile icon on the top right of your screen. Then, follow the instructions to send your message.

    Please note: Given courses are owned and managed by the instructors, Udemy Business does not have any control or information regarding their response time.

    You can also access the messaging feature on the instructor’s profile. 

    1. Click on Overview below the course player. Then, scroll down to the Instructor section, and click on the instructor's name. 

    2. If the instructor has turned on their messaging feature, click Send message. Then, follow the instructions to send your message.


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  • How to Use Keyboard Shortcuts

    As you continue your learning on Udemy Business, you can access keyboard shortcuts to move efficiently through your course. This article explains how to use these shortcuts in your course player.

    Please note: If you are having trouble accessing the shortcuts, please try clicking on the video and trying again. If issues persist, please view our article on troubleshooting video issues

    How to use keyboard shortcuts

    You can access your keyboard shortcuts while playing video lectures in the course player. 

    A list of keyboard shortcuts is available below. They can also be viewed by clicking on the Settings (gear) icon at the bottom right of the course player.

    • Pause/play: Space Bar
    • Speed slower: Shift and Left Arrow Keys
    • Speed faster: Shift and Right Arrow Keys
    • Fullscreen: F Key
    • Exit fullscreen: Esc Key
    • Add note: B Key
    • Go back 5 seconds: Left Arrow Key
    • Go forward 5 seconds: Right Arrow Key
    • Volume up: Up Arrow Key
    • Volume down: Down Arrow Key
    • Mute: M Key
    • Access Keyboard shortcuts: ? (Question mark) Key


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  • How to Create And Use Notes (on a Browser)

    Using the Notes feature is an easy and quick way to mark important points of a lecture, without leaving the course player, so you can quickly return to it in the future. This article outlines how you can add notes to lectures, and access them moving forward, while taking your course on a browser.

    Who can see notes

    Although you can see at what junctures of a course other learners have created notes, only you can view the text for the notes you created. Instructors and other learners in the course cannot see who created notes or what the notes include.

    How to add a note to a lecture

    If you wish to take a note within a specific point of a lecture, please follow the steps below:

    1. When you come to a point in the lecture you would like to add a note, click the Notes tab below the screen. You can also use the keyboard shortcut "b" or “n” to create a note while watching video lectures.


    To add a note while watching your course in fullscreen, simply select the note icon at the bottom of your course player. 


    2. If you wish to type a longer note, type your note into the field and hit enter to save it. Your note can include up to 1,000 characters. If you wish to create a note without adding text, simply click enter or select Save note.


    3. The note will be indicated by a yellow bar. Moments, where other users have taken notes will be indicated by blue bars. The text within your note will not be visible to other users.

    How to access your notes

    You can access notes by selecting the Notes tab in your course player (as seen above). In this tab you can filter your notes by lecture, course, or recency. All notes for your course can be found within that tab. To go directly to a moment you’ve added a note to within a course, simply click on the note you wish to view, and you will be directed to that point in the lecture player.

    You can also jump directly to any point you’ve added a note in a lecture, by clicking on the corresponding, yellow bar in the course player. 

    How to edit or delete notes

    If you wish to edit the text you’ve entered for a note, please follow the steps below:

    1. Navigate to the note that you wish to change from the Notes tab in your course taking experience
    2. In the upper right hand corner of your note, select the edit icon
    3. Type the change that you wish to make and click enter


    If you need to delete a note, select the trashcan icon located on the upper right hand corner of your note.


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  • Transcripts to Reinforce and Supplement Learning

    To reinforce learning and get the most value out of a course, you can easily follow along with what instructors are saying through transcripts and subtitles. Transcripts help users find relevant content more easily by providing the ability to skim through the course text and jump to the exact section of the content they need.

    You can quickly access the transcripts feature by clicking on the Transcripts at the bottom of the course player. Transcripts will open on the right-hand panel of the screen. The current sentence will be highlighted and will then autoscroll as the instructor is speaking so that you can follow along. You can jump ahead or back to a moment in the lecture by clicking on a particular sentence.

    Please note: the transcripts feature is not currently available on the Udemy Business mobile app or the mobile site. 



    Subtitles are also available by clicking on the ‘CC’ button in the bottom right of the course player.


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