• How to Navigate to the Course Version Setup Menu - Leadership Academy

    Admins can change the name of a course version at any time. This article describes how to change a course title as well as the implications to consider.

    How to change a course version name

    1. Click on the admin tools icon on the top right of any page after logging in.
    admin tools

    2. On the Courses page, click on the course title.

    3. You will automatically be taken to the Versions page.
    course admin panel versions

    4. Click on the course version you’d like to edit. Note: One course can have multiple versions so make sure you select the version you are looking for. Learn more about the hierarchy of course versions within courses. Versions are listed in larger font above their associated cohorts. In the image below, there are two course versions - Original and Copy of Original.

    course versions

    Now, you are ready to begin configuring your course.

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  • How and Why to Create a New Course Version - Leadership Academy

    This article describes why an admin would want to create a new course version, as well as how to do so. Creating a new course version is different from creating a course.

    When to create a new course version

    One course may be configured differently for different audiences and/or may be updated periodically with updated content. To account for this variation within a course without affecting learners, the platform utilizes course versions. 

    Versions allow different audiences to see variations of the same course. For example, if a course is configured for a marketing team and then a supply chain team wants to take the course, you may wish to reconfigure a few aspects of the course for the new audience. Rather than rebuilding a new course from scratch, you can create a new course version within the same course without changing the content for the cohort that already took the course.  

    Another example: If you build a course this year and then next year you update the content, learners that took the course this year will be confused if they revisit the course. Should they have taken the new version of the course? Did they miss a memo about viewing the updated content?

    How to create a new course version

    1. Click on the admin tools icon on the top right of any page after logging in.
    admin tools

    2. On the Courses page, click on the course title.

    3. On the right side of the course version you wish to copy, click Copy. Note: Make sure you’re copying the version you’d like copied.
    copy course version

    4. A screen will pop up asking if you are sure you want to create a duplicate course version. Click OK.
    copy course version

    5. On the next page, enter a new version name and click Save at the bottom of the page. The default name is “Copy of [Course Version Name]”.

    course version name

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  • How to Update a Course Version Name - Leadership Academy

    Admins can change the name of a course version at any time. This article describes how to change a course title as well as the implications to consider.

    How to change a course version name

    1. Click on the admin tools icon on the top right of any page after logging in.
    admin tools

    2. On the Courses page, click on the course title.

    3. You will automatically be taken to the Versions page.
    course settings

    4. Click on the course version you’d like to change the name of. Note: One course can have multiple versions so make sure you select the version you are looking for. Learn more about the hierarchy of course versions within courses. Versions are listed in larger font above their associated cohorts. In the image below, there are two course versions - Original and Copy of Original.
    course versions

    5. Next, under Version Name, change the name of the course version to your preferred name.
    course version name

    6. Click Save at the bottom of the page.

    Implications to consider when changing a course version name

    The new course version name is only displayed to admins accessing the Course Admin page. It does not update the course title in the course page, catalog, Admin Tools page, or anywhere else the course title is displayed. Changing the version name simply changes the name of the version for admins only. If you would like a new course title to be displayed throughout the platform, learn how to update a course title.

    Changing a course version name also does not create a new course version, it simply changes the name of the current version. Learn more about how and why to copy a course version.

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  • How to Update a Course Title - Leadership Academy

    Admins can change course titles at any time. This article describes how to change a course title as well as the implications to consider.

    How to change a course title

    1. Click on the admin tools icon on the top right of any page after logging in.
    admin tools

    2. On the Courses page, click on the course you’d like to change the title of.

    3. On the left, click Settings
    course settings

    4. Under Name, change the title of the course to your preferred title.
    course title

    5. Click Submit at the bottom of the page.

    Implications to consider when changing a course title

    Changing a course title has implications to consider, including but not limited to the following:

    • The new course title will be displayed everywhere the course title was previously displayed, including on the course page and in the catalog if the catalog feature is enabled in Site Settings. If there are learners that have taken the course, they should be informed of the title change so they can properly find the course if they’d like to revisit the content.

    Depending on the situation, the better solution may be to create a new course version within the existing course. Learn more about the difference between courses and course versions.

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  • How to Navigate to Course Settings - Leadership Academy

    This article instructs how to navigate to the course Settings page, where you can set up a course splash page and change the course title.

    1. Create a new course or copy an existing course if needed.

    2. Click on the admin tools icon on the top right of any page.
    admin tools

    3. On the subsequent screen, click on the desired course from the list. Tip: Use the filters if you’re having trouble finding the course.

    4. On the left, click Settings

    course settings

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  • How to Navigate to the Course Admin Page - Leadership Academy

    This article instructs how to navigate to the Course Admin page, where you can set up course settings, edit or copy a course version, and edit or add cohorts.

    1. Create a new course or copy an existing course if needed.

    2. Click on the admin tools icon on the top right of any page.
    admin tools

    3. On the subsequent screen, click on the desired course from the list. Tip: Use the filters if you’re having trouble finding the course.

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