• How to Change Your Password - Leadership Academy

    This article describes how to change your password for the Udemy Business Leadership Academy platform at any time.


    Please note: this article includes information about our Udemy Business Leadership Academy, formerly known as CorpU.

    1. Hover over the Account Menu at the top right of the page and click Edit Profile

    edit profile from account menu.png

    2. Click on the Settings tab at the top of the page.

    profile settings.png

    3. Change your password by completing the fields in the Change Password section. Please note the password requirements.

    change password.png

    4. Click Change Password to save your changes.

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  • How to Create a Password and Log In - Leadership Academy

    This article describes how to log in and create your password the first time you log into your Udemy Business Leadership Academy account.


    Please note: this article includes information about our Udemy Business Leadership Academy, formerly known as CorpU.


    There are several ways to create your password depending on the path you take to get to the platform, outlined below.

    Password creation via new account welcome email

    When an account is first created for a learner by an admin, the platform sends an automated welcome email to the email address associated with the account (note: sometimes it goes to spam or junk folders). In the email is a button that, when clicked, allows you to create a password and log in for the first time.

    create password

    Simply enter the email address associated with the account and set up your password, then log in.

    Password creation via a link in a platform email

    If you are accessing the platform for the first time via a link in any system-generated email, such as a course launch letter or a course daily notification email, you will automatically be prompted to set up a password using the same process as the new account welcome email.

    Password creation via typing your organization’s domain into your browser

    If you are accessing the platform for the first time after typing your organization’s domain into your browser (i.e. www.yourorganization.corpu.com), you will need to reset your password.

    Logging in via single sign on (SSO)

    If your company has enabled single sign on (SSO) you can access your account via your SSO provider (e.g. Okta, OneLogin, etc) or the custom URL (i.e. yourcompany.corpu.com) for the account. If you run into any errors when authenticating via SSO, please check with your organization’s IT department to ensure they have provisioned you access to the platform.

    Additional assistance

    If you continue having any difficulties joining or signing in to your account, please contact support and provide the following information:

    • First and last name
    • Email address associated with your account
    • Organization/Company name
    • Detailed description of your issue
    • Screenshot(s) where applicable
    • Course or area of the platform you are trying to access
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  • How to Check Your Account’s Email Address and if You Have Multiple Accounts - Leadership Academy

    This article includes instructions to see what email address is registered to your Leadership Academy account, or if you have more than one account. The troubleshooting steps below may be helpful if you’re encountering login issues, or if you’re having trouble finding courses you believe you are enrolled in.

    How to confirm the email address associated with your account

    If you’re logged into your account

    • If you are logged into your account, you can check to see what email address is associated with your account by navigating to the Edit Profile page

    If you’re not logged into your account

    • If you have multiple email addresses, can’t remember which one is associated with your account, and therefore can’t log in, try resetting your account password by entering each of the email addresses you use on the login page. Be sure to check your junk/spam mail folder for your password reset email.
    • If you only have one account and are not sure if it was created correctly, check your email, including spam and junk folders, for a welcome email from our platform. You can also try resetting your password on the login page to see if the password reset email is sent. If not, you do not have an account using that email address.

    Have you discovered you have more than one account?

    If you determine that you have more than one account and would like to remove all accounts except your primary account, ask your learning leader to deactivate the additional account(s). 

    If your email address has changed (e.g. due to a name change) and an additional account was already made using your new email address, ask your learning leader to change the email address on the new account from your updated/correct email address to something else, then deactivate that account. Then, change the email address in your original account to your updated/correct email address, which will be available after following the previous step. Now your course history will stay with the original account and the email address will be updated correctly. 

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  • How to Change Your Email Address - Leadership Academy

    This article describes how to change your email in the platform at any time.

    Please note: this article includes information about our Udemy Business Leadership Academy, formerly known as CorpU.

    1. Hover over the Account Menu at the top right of the page and click on Edit Profile

    edit profile from account menu.png

    2. Change your email address by entering the new email address in the Email field in the Profile section. 

        • Note: There cannot already be an account associated with the new email address you are attempting to use. If you are attempting to change your email address in your original account due to having multiple accounts, you must first ask your organization’s learning leader to change the email address in the incorrect account to something else and then deactivate that account. Then, once the email address you’d like to use is available for use in the platform, you can enter it in the Email field.

    change email.png

    3. Click Save at the bottom of the page to save your changes.

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  • How to Update Notification Preferences - Leadership Academy

    This article describes how to change your notification preferences for offers and announcements, daily course progress notifications, and community digest notifications.

    1. Hover over the Account Menu at the top right of the page and click on Edit Profile

    edit profile from account menu.png

    2. Click on the Notifications tab at the top of the page.

    profile settings.png

    3. Under Offers and Announcements, you can choose to opt into newsletters and commercial offers as well as product updates and announcements from our company by clicking the checkbox(es) so the box is filled in blue with a check mark. 

    offers and announcements.png

    4. Under My Daily Course Progress Notifications, you can choose to receive a daily automated notification or turn off notifications. The daily automated notification is sent any day there are scheduled course activities at a time based on your selected time zone.

    daily course progress notifications.png

    5. Under My Community Digest Notifications, you can choose to receive either a daily or weekly community notification or turn off notifications. The community digest email is sent when resources are added to a Community of Practice. The email is sent the day or week after a resource is added, based on your listed preference and your selected time zone.

    community digest notifications.png

    Please note: If you are a manager and wish to update your My Team notification preferences, please view our article about the My Team feature.

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  • How to Update Time Zone and Language Preferences - Leadership Academy

    This article describes how to change your time zone and language preferences in the platform. 

    Time zone and language preferences are used to customize the timing of all automated emails sent as well as the language used for all features in the platform (Note: Updating your language preference does not translate course content).

    1. Hover over the Account Menu at the top right of the page and click on Edit Profile

    edit profile from account menu.png

    2. Click on the Settings tab at the top of the page.

    profile settings.png

    3. Under Preferences, use the dropdown menu to select your local time zone and your language preference.

    timezone and language preferences.png

    Please note: The platform currently supports the following languages:

    • Chinese (Simplified)
    • English
    • French
    • French Canadian
    • German
    • Italian
    • Japanese
    • Polish
    • Portuguese
    • Romanian
    • Russian
    • Spanish (Latin America)
    • Turkish

    4. Click Update to save your changes.

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  • Creating and Editing Your Profile - Leadership Academy

    Every account includes a profile page where you can share information about yourself, including your title and a bio, as well as upload a profile photo. This information can be seen by other learners and admins at your organization.

    How to edit your profile

    To edit your profile, first login to the platform. Next, hover over the Account Menu at the top right of the page and click on Edit Profile

    edit profile from account menu.png

    You can add as much information as you’d like to your profile, including your title, location, and bio, in addition to the required fields of first name, last name, and email address. Click Save at the bottom of the page to save any changes.

    profile information.png

    How to upload your profile picture

    1. Click Add File to Upload on the left side of your Edit Profile page. 
    2. Next, choose an image from your computer to upload. Once it’s uploaded, you can crop and position it, if necessary. Tip: The platform will fit the image to a circle shape so choose your image with the shape in mind.
    3. Click Save. 

    profile photo.png

    How to view your Profile

    If you wish to see how your profile will appear to other learners and admins, simply click Preview Profile on the left side of the Edit Profile page. Note: Only learners and admins who are logged into their accounts can view another learner’s account profile.

    preview profile button.png

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