• 500 Errors When Building Courses - Leadership Academy

    Occasionally, you may experience a 500 error when trying to add/delete a module, lesson, or activity when building a course. When this situation occurs, there are a few steps you can take to help resolve the issue. 

    Error when adding a new lesson

    For this issue you will need to delete the module you are working on and recreate it. 

    1. Anything nested under the module will be deleted as well, so before deleting the module, if you have any lessons/activities already created in that module, move them to another module in the interim by drag and drop.

    2. Once the module has nothing nested under it, click Edit Module and then Delete.

    3. Click Add Module and type in the name of the deleted module you are recreating. 

    4. Move back any lessons/activities you moved during the deletion. You should now be able to create new lessons under that module with no issues. 

    Error when adding a new activity

    For this issue you will need to delete the lesson you are working on and recreate it.

    1. Anything nested under the lesson will be deleted as well, so before deleting the lesson, if you have any activities already created in that lesson, move them to another lesson in the interim. 

    2. Once the lesson has nothing nested under it, click Edit Lesson and then Delete.

    3. Click the Add dropdown in the module you are working on and select Lesson. Type in the name of the deleted lesson you are recreating.

    4. Move back any activities you moved during the deletion. You should now be able to create new activities under that lesson with no issues. 

    Error when deleting a module

    Sometimes the system will time out when deleting an entire module with a lot of lessons/activities nested under it. When this occurs, try to delete the lessons within that module first. Then you should be able to delete the module once all the lessons/activities have been deleted. 

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  • How to Format Images in Course Activities - Leadership Academy

    This article provides an overview of how to format images when building course activities, including current functionality, best practices, and tips.

    Functionality in platform regarding image formatting

    Currently, the platform offers two sets of options when uploading an image to the Description section of an activity’s Build page - Alignment and Size. Learn more about how to build an activity.

    • Alignment: Currently both left and right alignment are available. When selected, your image will automatically be aligned to the left or to the right of the course player with text formatted around the image. If you wish to center align the image, use the instructions in the section below.
    • Size: Large (100% width of the page, or 1080px), Medium (50% width of the page, or 540px), and Small (25% width of the page, or 270px) are available. If your image is wider than the option you select, it will be reformatted for the chosen size, which could impact visibility and lead to blurry or grainy images. 

    Tips when uploading images to a course activity

    • Use two browser tabs when building an activity, one for the Build page and one for the learner’s view of the course activity. This allows you to frequently check how the activity looks in the course player from the learner’s perspective and then make updates.
    • Remember that learners view courses using different devices and different screen sizes. The formatting on your screen may not be what every learner experiences.
    • While not best practice, depending on the desired formatting aesthetic, you can hit Enter around the text in the Description section as many times as needed to ensure that text is not wrapped around an image. If your image is small and is left or right aligned, text will automatically be placed to the left or right of the image. If you’d like to move the text to below the image, this is an option you can implement, keeping in mind that learners on other devices may have a different aesthetic when viewing the activity.

    How to center align images

    1. Upload your image in the course activity Description section.

    2. Once uploaded, click on the Source Code icon at the top of the Description section.
    source code icon.png

    3. Locate the code for your image. It should look something like this, though the alignment, width, and size may be different: 

    <img src="imagename.png or imagename.jpg, etc" alt="None" width="540" height="479" />

    4. Immediately before this code, i.e. to the left of “<img class”, enter “<center>” (not including the quotation marks). Immediately after the code, i.e. to the right of “/>”, enter </center>. It will look something like this: 

    <center><img src="imagename.png or imagename.jpg, etc" alt="None" width="540" height="479" /></center>

    5. Look at the alignment portion of the code, i.e. where it says ”image-left” or “image-right”. Change this to “image-center”. The code should now look like this:

    <center><img src="imagename.png or imagename.jpg, etc" alt="None" width="540" height="479" /></center>

    6. Click OK. The image should have shifted to the center within the Description section. Click Update at the bottom of the activity Build page.

    7. Use another browser window to view the activity from the learner’s perspective and make sure the image displays correctly. 

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  • Best Practices When Filming

    This article outlines best practices when filming a video for use in course content, in communities of practice, and elsewhere throughout the platform. 

    Note: The following tips are specifically meant for when filming via a phone, tablet, or webcam.

    Location and lighting

    1. Try to find a location with more natural light.

    2. If available, try to record in an area with some depth, as opposed to a flat wall behind the subject

    3. Make sure as much light is falling on your face as possible. Don’t stand in front of a major light source such as a window.

    4. Try to have the light source directly behind the camera so that the light is falling evenly on your face. 


    1. If you’re using a phone, put it in Airplane Mode to avoid disruptions.

    2. The camera picks up more sound than you might think. Avoid spaces with lots of foot traffic, talking. Try to avoid HVAC noise or noise from computers or refrigerators although those noises tend to be easier to remove than inconsistent sounds like footsteps. 


    1. Get the camera close enough to you that you do not need to zoom and are able to capture good sound.

    2. Hold the camera steady. You can do so by having a colleague put it on a tripod or hold it on a stable surface – instability can make editing difficult.

    3. Record the video horizontally and not vertically.

    filming horizontally recommended frame.png

    Capturing your message

    1. Record two takes if possible.

    2. If you would like to repeat yourself, take a moment, reset yourself, then start over. A lot of people will try to jump back and start talking immediately which can make for an awkward cut. 


    1. Avoid wearing thinly striped or checkered suits/ shirts.

    2. Wear solid colors – warmer colors are better.

    3. If you are wearing a white shirt, wear a jacket over it to create contrast.

    Appearance and presence

    1. Sit up tall.

    2. Smile/keep your eyes alive.

    3. Keep eye contact with the person you are speaking with – think of it as a conversation.


    1. Speak naturally, but slowly.

    2. Be concise.

    3. Maintain spaces between sentences.

    4. When the interviewer asks you a question, restate the question in your answer. The interviewer will not appear on camera.

    5. When you finish answering a question fully, pause and take a breath before moving on. Doing so creates a more effective transition on camera.

    6. Sometimes the person interviewing you will ask you to repeat or clarify a point to capture an insight you shared.

    7. Feel comfortable repeating points if you find a clearer way of communicating your message.


    1. You do not need to prepare fully scripted answers to any questions. If you choose to prepare thoroughly, have short “sound bites” that you prepare and include in your responses during the interview.

    2. Think about the audience – what do they want to hear from you and how may they want to hear that? Prepare how you’ll connect with them on camera.

    3. If you prepared responses to the questions in advance, use your notes before answering the question but do not turn your head down to reference them while you’re speaking.

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  • Signature Course Catalog - Leadership Academy

    This article outlines how to access the signature course catalog, where you can find information about our signature course and program offerings.

    To learn more about our signature courses and programs, please visit https://business.udemy.com/cohort-collection/


    Several courses and programs offer certificates from our partners. Learn more about certificates.

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  • SCORM and AICC Content - Leadership Academy

    This article outlines whether the platform supports SCORM and/or AICC content, as well as how to embed this content if needed.

    Does the platform support SCORM or AICC content?

    The platform does not currently support SCORM or AICC at this time. SCORM/AICC is an interoperability standard for self-paced training (i.e. learning alone). Our platform is an organizational learning system that focuses on bringing people together to learn in a cohort-based environment, which is why the SCORM/AICC standard does not align with the guiding principles of our learning design methodology.

    The platform provides capabilities that allow admins to easily build and deliver rich and engaging course experiences. Learners will experience an inviting design and unique pacing of course activities that guide them into collaborative work and move them at a quick pace, from videos and readings to discussions and application. 

    Using iframe to embed SCORM/AICC content

    Admins do have the ability to embed third-party or custom content (e.g. SCORM/AICC) via iframe and direct links into a course activity. Learn more about how to embed content via iframe.

    If content is being embedded into the platform this way, you must first export all content for web use only (e.g. HTML5) from your content authoring tool. Next, upload course files to a secured server (https) that is managed and hosted by your organization. Then, you can embed the content into the platform via iframe or direct link.

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  • The Difference Between Live Event Setup for Courses and Cohorts - Leadership Academy

    Live events can cause confusion for admins, as they are included in both the course build process as well as the cohort setup process. This article aims to eliminate this confusion by providing a description of how the two live event pieces work together to create a seamless course experience for learners.

    How the two live event setups work together

    Perhaps the best way to understand the way the two Live Event setup types work together is to think of them as a templateand a version unique to a specific cohort.

    • Live event when building a course via the Build page: This is the template, where admins add the event type and add an event description that’s relevant for all cohorts that will take the course in the future. The description will likely reference what learners should have completed by the event, what to expect, and what to bring, but admins are not entering specific details such as date, time, or a link to join the event.
    • Live event when setting up a cohort via the Events page: This is different for every cohort, since cohorts take courses at different dates and times and live events may run differently for different cohorts. While the template description is what shows up in the Description section when a live event is first set up, admins can change the description, add the links to register and/or join the event, list the start and end times, and later upload the recording and/or slide deck. 

    Note: Changing the Description section in the Live Event activity on the Build page does not change the description on the event page in cohort setup once the event has been configured. If you’d like to change the description, you’ll need to go to the live event page in cohort setup and update the Description section.

    What happens if you update the Live Event activity on the Build page after setting up the live event for a cohort?

    Once you have set up a live event in cohort setup by clicking Save at the bottom of the event page, the event is locked. Updates to the Live Event activity on the Build page will not affect any live events that have been set up using that activity. This is necessary to ensure that events are never erroneously updated after they have been configured due to a change in the Live Event activity on the Build page (i.e. the template).  

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  • The Differences Between Custom Pacing, Cohort Pacing and Blackout Dates - Leadership Academy

    Course custom pacing, cohort pacing, and blackout dates can cause confusion because they all relate to the way a course is laid out over a period of time. However, understanding the way they each fit into the course experience can help reduce confusion and understanding. 

    Custom pacing

    Custom pacing is where an admin creates different options for the layout of a course. There is a default setting, called auto-paced, which equates to one course lesson per day, and admins can create many options in addition. One pacing may include two lessons per day, if the admin thinks some cohorts would like to complete the course in half the time. Another option may include specific days with two or three lessons, depending on how much time is needed to complete each of the lessons. The Custom Pacing page is where admins create the different layouts that each cohort can choose from.

    Cohort pacing

    Cohort pacing, located on the cohort Configure page, is where an admin chooses which of the available pacing options will be used for this particular cohort. For example, if in the course Custom Pacing page the admin made three pacing options, named “Two Lessons Per Day” and “Two Week Pacing”, those options would be available on the cohort Configure page for each individual cohort. One cohort could choose one pacing option, another could choose the other.

    Blackout dates

    Blackout dates, also located on the cohort Configure page, are where admins can select which dates to skip for a particular cohort. This can be due to a company day off, a holiday, or a variety of other reasons. The cohort still follows the custom pacing option selected on the Configure page, but the blackout date(s) is(are) not included in the timeline. The distinction between adding blackout dates and creating a custom pacing option is that blackout dates are cohort-specific, meaning that adding blackout dates for one cohort does not affect another cohort. Changing the custom pacing option, however, updates the pacing layout for all cohorts that select that pacing option.

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  • Prework/Welcome Modules - Leadership Academy

    Many course incorporate prework or welcome modules, which function differently in the platform than other modules in a course. This article describes what a prework module is and how including a prework module impacts a course.

    What is a prework/welcome module?

    A prework module is a course module that is technically part of the course and is included in analytics, but is expected to be completed by learners before the course start date.

    Prework modules typically include activities such as creating a profile, introducing yourself to your cohort, learning about what to expect in the course, learning about the course authors, and any other context-setting for the course.

    For example, if your course begins on a Monday and you have 60 minutes worth of activities you’d like learners to complete before that Monday, you may put the activities in a prework module and open the course to learners midway through the previous week. That would give ample time to complete the prework activities before the course begins on Monday.

    How do prework/welcome modules impact the course experience?

    Prework/Welcome modules impact the course experience for learners and admins in the following ways:

    • Unpaced: Prework modules do not assign activities to certain dates like course modules. 
    • No daily reminder notifications: Because these modules are unpaced, no automatic course reminder notifications are sent to learners. As a result, it’s important to send a launch letter to learners when they can begin completing the prework activities and to ensure they are completing the prework module on time.
    • Expectations: Prework modules are expected to be completed by learners before the first course module begins. Make sure to communicate your expectations with learners beforehand so they allot the necessary time to complete the prework activities.

    How to create a prework/welcome module

    Set your first course module to a prework module using the Configure page in the course setup menu. 

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  • The Difference Between Course and Course Version - Leadership Academy

    The terms “course” and “course version” can easily cause confusion for admins. This article aims to eliminate this confusion by providing a description of how the two pieces work together to create a seamless course experience for learners.


    In the platform, “course” refers to a set of learning content built to teach learners about one or more topics. A course can contain one or more “course versions”, making course versions subordinate to courses.

    Course versions

    Course versions are variations of a single course. One course may be configured differently for different audiences and/or may be updated periodically with updated content. To account for this variation within a course without affecting learners, the platform utilizes course versions. 

    Course versions allow different audiences to see variations of the same course. For example, if a course is configured for a marketing team and then a supply chain team wants to take the course, you may wish to reconfigure a few aspects of the course for the new audience. Rather than rebuilding a completely new course, you can create a new course version within the same course without changing the content for the cohort that already took the course.

    Functionality for courses vs. course versions

    As a result of the hierarchy between courses and course versions, certain functionality is only available to courses. The table below outlines the major differences between course and course versions.


    Functionality Available
    Course Course Version
    Access course settings x  
    Create a self enrollment splash page x  
    Add splash page to catalog x  
    Contain multiple course versions x  
    View all course versions and all cohorts at once x  
    View analytics in HILD, Completed Courses, and Current Courses dashboards x x (would need to select cohorts that viewed specific course version)
    Update course content without affecting other course versions   x
    Set unique pacing without affecting other course versions   x
    Publish without affecting other course versions   x
    Enable learning measurements without affecting other course versions   x
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  • How to Embed Content via iframe - Leadership Academy

    This article instructs admins how to incorporate content in the platform via iframe. Most often iframe is used for surveys or assessments, but other types of content can be embedded using iframe as well.

    How to embed content into a course activity using iframe

    1. Go to the piece of content in the source system and copy the iframe code. Tip: This code is often found via a Share button or by navigating to the source system’s source code.

    2. Navigate to the page in the platform where you’d like to add the content, e.g. a course activity’s Build page.

    3. Click on the Source Code icon in the editor, located on the far right of the editor icons.
    source code

    4. Paste your iframe or embed code in the desired location within the existing source code. The iframe code should look something like this, though this is only an example:

    <iframe src="https://insert.link.here" width="100%" height="800" frameborder="0"></iframe>

    5. Click Create, Save, or Update depending on the option shown on the page.

    Common issues when embedding content via iframe

    • Not using a URL that begins with “https”: Always check the HTML source to ensure the URL starts with https, rather than http. Otherwise it will not display properly when embedded.
    • Not adjusting the width and height of the content properly: Often, the width should be set to 100%, to ensure the embedded content will properly expand to full-width of the viewable area. Otherwise, the formatting may look strange depending on the learner’s device and screen size.
    • Not using the correct code: Our platform allows content to be embedded via iframe. If you are attempting to use something else, the embedded content may not display and/or may not display properly.
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  • How to Create a New Course - Leadership Academy

    This article goes over how to begin building a new course, which is different from copying an existing course and also from creating a new course version. Follow the instructions below to build a new course.

    1. Click on the admin tools icon on the top right of any page after logging in.
    admin tools

    2. Click + Create a New Course and choose which community of practice to store the course in. Learn more about the structure of courses and communities
    create new course button

    3. Click Create a new, empty course.
    create new or existing course buttons

    4. Enter a course name and click Create.

    name new course

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  • How to Copy an Existing Course - Leadership Academy

    This article goes over how to copy an existing course, which is different from creating a new course and also from creating a new course version. Follow the instructions below to copy an existing course.

    1. Click on the admin tools icon on the top right of any page after logging in.
    admin tools

    2. Click + Create a New Course and choose which community of practice to store the course in. Learn more about the structure of courses and communities
    create new course button

    3. Click Create a new, empty course.
    create new or existing course buttons

    4. Select the community of practice where the course you’d like to copy is stored. Then select the course, and then select the course version to copy.

    5. Update the course and/or version names and click Create.

    copy existing course

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  • How to Build a Course Splash Page - Leadership Academy

    This article describes how to build a splash page for a course for use in self enrollment. Course splash pages can be added to the Catalog and/or shared with learners other ways.

    What is a splash page?

    A splash page is designed to serve call-to-action buttons that guide action throughout the page. The splash page guides visitors from attracting their interest to making them an enrolled cohort member.

    • Increase course enrollments
    • Grow the adoption of new programs
    • Improve your ROI
    • Convert a higher percentage of your visitors into course participants
    • Helps to make the first step of establishing a relationship with your members

    A splash page is designed with no distractions so that it converts learners into an enrolled cohort member. To do this, it presents specific and carefully chosen information that encourages learners to enroll in a course. The purpose of this page is to be the focusing point of your marketing campaigns and is the last step before your visitors turn into an enrolled cohort member.

    How to enable a course splash page 

    1. Click on the admin tools icon on the top right after logging in.
    admin tools

    2. Click Courses from the admin tools menu on the left.
    admin courses

    3. Select the desired course.

    4. Click the Settings option within the course.
    admin tools

    5. Under the General tab, select Enable Splash page. This setting allows you to create a splash page for the course that can be shared via the Catalog or other methods.

    How to build a splash page

    Please note that the sections listed below are optional but highly recommended.

    1. After enabling the splash page in the General tab, click the Details tab.

    2. Create a Tagline for your course and enter course Tags, or choose from the list of existing tags. This information will appear below the course title.
    splash page tagline and tags

    3. Set the Duration of the course.
    splash page course duration

    4. Add important information about the course to the About This Course section.
    splash page about course

    5. Add Additional Course Information if there are additional details about the course that you would like to call out into a new and dedicated section of the splash page. Think of this as your own custom block that you can freely design as you wish.

    6. Click the Media tab.

    7. Upload a Partner Logo and a course Thumbnail image that best represents your course. Learn more about how to upload an image to the platform.
    splash page partner logo and thumbnail

    8. Upload a Promotional Video and/or Sample Lecture to highlight your course and motivate visitors to enroll. Learn more about how to upload a video to the platform.

    9. Click the More Information tab.

    10. Add the Expert Faculty members you would like to highlight. You can add their full name, upload a photo, and title.
    splash page expert faculty

    11. Add distinct Features about your course to make it stand out and accentuate the uniqueness of your course.
    splash page features

    12. Tell potential learners what to expect in the What You Will Learn section.
    splash page what you will learn

    13. Click the Quotes & FAQ tab. 

    14. Add Participant Quotes to share the impact and social proof of the results from the course. Learner quotes can be manually curated from NPS comments and the High Impact Learning Dashboard available in the platform.
    splash page quotes

    15. Add FAQs about the course to answer common questions.
    splash page faq

    16. Click Submit. Note: It is recommended to save periodically to avoid any potential lost updates.

    How to view a course splash page

    View your course’s splash page by navigating to the URL provided in the General tab under Enable Splash Page, or by clicking the launch icon on the far right.

    splash page link

    This is the link that can be shared with learners. Learn more about self enrollment using course splash pages.

    Here is an example of a completed splash page:

    course splash page

    Note: In the Course Overview section of the splash page, the platform automatically pulls in the information using the most recent course version. Learn more about the difference between courses and course versions.

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  • Definitions and Hierarchy of Modules, Lessons, and Activities - Leadership Academy

    This article describes the structure and hierarchy of course objects in our platform, including module, lesson, and activity. 


    Courses in the platform are comprised of three main components:

    • Module: Typically 1 week for signature courses, modules are a complete unit of study within a course and often include several lessons, ending with a capstone to complete the module. When managing a live course, admins view learners’ completion rates using the Module Completion Bars.
    • Lesson: A lesson is a group of activities that support a specific teaching point or outcome. Lessons typically include 5-7 activities and total about 30 minutes of learning time. The default pacing setting in the platform is one lesson per day.
    • Activity: Lasting about 3-5 minutes each, activities contain the content of the course and should be grouped to create lessons. It is important when creating activities that they are digestible and flow smoothly from one activity to the next.

    What does the hierarchy look like when building a course?

    In the Build page, you can see the hierarchy by looking at the indentation of each course object. For example, in the image below, you can see a module, which contains a lesson, which contains several activities. 

    hierarchy activity lesson module

    What happens if you don’t nest activities and lessons properly?

    It is important to ensure that when building a course, you nest activities under lessons and lessons under modules. When you do not, it can cause issues with the course pacing and/or visibility of some course activities. Tip: If you are building a course and see an activity or lesson that simply will not display in the course map the way you’d like, check to make sure it’s nested properly in the Build page.

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  • Building Courses in Multiple Languages - Leadership Academy

    This article discusses the platform’s capability to build courses in multiple languages.

    Can you build courses in any language?

    Courses can be built in languages other than the platform’s supported languages. However, while courses can be built in many languages outside of the platform’s supported languages, the features and functionality in the platform are only available in the supported languages. In other words, if you build a course in a language other than the supported languages, the course content (including attachments, videos, and any other assets you include) will be in that language. The buttons and features in the platform, however, will be in each user’s selected language.

    What languages are signature courses built in?

    Currently, signature courses are built in English.

    What are the platform’s supported languages?

    You can view the platform’s supported languages here.

    Can existing custom courses be translated into other languages?

    If you would like your custom course translated into another language in our platform, please contact your Customer Success representative for more information.

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  • The Hierarchy of Cohorts, Course Versions, & Courses Within Communities of Practice - Leadership Academy

    This article lays out the hierarchy of the main learning components within the platform, including communities of practice, courses, course versions, cohorts, modules, lessons, and activities. 

    This explanation will begin at the highest, broadest learning component in the platform and will go to the most detailed.

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