• How to View and Download a Learner’s Transcript - Leadership Academy

    This article provides an overview of the learner’s transcript and instructions to view and download an individual learner’s transcript.

    What is a learner’s transcript?

    A learner’s transcript is a table showing an individual learner’s course history and performance for all courses they are enrolled in. The data fields included in the transcript are Organization, Course Name, Cohort Name, Cohort Start Date, Cohort End Date, and Percent Complete

    Please note:

    • If a learner is enrolled in a course that is in the trashed category, it will not appear in their transcript.
    • If a learner’s account is deactivated, they will not have any cohorts in their transcript.
    • If a cohort has not yet been launched, it will not appear in the learner’s transcript.
    • For self-paced courses, the Cohort Start Date is the date the course was launched and the Cohort End Date is left blank.

    Who can view a learner’s transcript

    Learner transcripts are viewable by Site Owners and Site Admins.

    How to view and download a learner’s transcript

    1. Click on the admin tools icon on the top right of any page.

    2. On the left panel, click Members.

    3. Locate and click on the correct account. 

    Please note: For faster navigation, use the search bar, status filter, and/or sort any columns on the page.

    4. On the left panel, click View Transcript.

    5. On the next page, you will be able to view and download the learner’s transcript.

    6. To download the transcript, click the Download Data button above the table.



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  • Creating Individual and Multiple Accounts as an Admin - Leadership Academy

    This article describes how admins can add new accounts to the platform, either individually or in bulk. 

    How to create an individual new account

    1. Click on the admin tools icon on the top right of any page.
    admin tools

    2. On the left panel, click Members.
    admin tools members

    3. On the top right of the page, click Add User.
    add user button

    4. The next page is a blank Profile page, where you can add the new user’s required and optional information. Learn more about the required and optional data fields.

    5. Click Save at the bottom of the page. The new account holder will immediately and automatically receive a welcome email, asking them to set up their password (if not using Single Sign On) and complete their profile.

    How to bulk create new accounts

    There are several ways to bulk create new accounts:

    • Cohort setup: When bulk adding new accounts as part of cohort setup, you can use the cohort Members page to add the accounts. Learn more about how to bulk add accounts when creating a cohort.
    • Automated data feed: If your organization has set up an automated data feed to send user account data to our platform, you can add new users via the data feed. Learn more about how to set up automated data exchanges.
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  • How to Navigate to the Members Page - Leadership Academy

    This article shows how to navigate to the area of the platform where admins can manage all accounts, including learners, admins, Sponsors, Managers, and others.

    How to navigate to the Members page

    1. Click on the admin tools icon on the top right of any page.
    admin tools

    2. On the left panel, click Members.
    admin tools members

    3. You are now on the Members page, where you can add a new user account, search for a user, deactivate a user account, view an account profile, and update an individual account or multiple accounts. 

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  • How to Deactivate an Account as an Admin - Leadership Academy

    This article describes how to deactivate an account as an admin.

    Why would an admin want to deactivate an account?

    Accounts are often deactivated when a learner leaves the organization or will no longer be taking courses for another reason.

    What happens when an account is deactivated?

    When an admin deactivates an account for a learner, Sponsor, Manager, or other role, the user will no longer be able to log in to the platform. Additionally, any analytics recorded for the user (e.g. completion for a particular course) will no longer be included in analytics dashboards and reports, including for courses they previously were enrolled in. The user is still tracked, however, for licensing purposes.

    Note: It is not possible to delete an account completely, as the account must remain in the system for licensing purposes. Instead, the account is deactivated.

    How to deactivate an account

    1. Click on the admin tools icon on the top right of any page.
    admin tools

    2. On the left panel, click Members.
    admin tools members

    3. Locate and click on the account you would like to deactivate. Tip: for faster navigating, use the search bar, status filter, and/or sort any columns in the page.
    admin tools members navigation

    4. On the user’s Profile page, locate the Active configuration and unselect the checkbox. This indicates that the account is no longer active. 
    user active status

    5. Click Save at the bottom of the page. The user has now been deactivated and will no longer be able to log in.

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  • How to Trigger a Password Reset for a Learner - Leadership Academy

    This article outlines the steps an admin can take to trigger a password reset for a learner. Though learners can change their own password, periodically an admin may choose to trigger a password reset.

    How to trigger a password reset using the Trigger Password Reset feature

    1. Click on the admin tools icon on the top right of any page.
    admin tools

    2. On the left panel, click Members.
    admin tools members

    3. Locate and click on the correct account. Tip: for faster navigating, use the search bar, status filter, and/or sort any columns in the page.
    admin tools members navigation

    4. On the left panel, click Trigger Password Reset.
    trigger password reset

    5. You will receive a message at the top of the Profile page letting you know that the password reset email was successfully sent. This means that the learner received an email with instructions to reset their password.
    trigger password reset confirmation

    How to trigger a password reset using the Expire Password feature

    Another option for admins wishing to reset a learner’s password is to expire the learner’s password so that they are forced to change their password the next time they log in. The difference between this option and the Trigger Password Reset option is that with this option, the learner does not receive an email notification about changing their password.

    1. Follow steps 1-3 above.

    2. On the Profile page, select the Expire Password checkbox.
    expire password checkbox

    3. Click Save at the bottom of the page.

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  • How to View a Learner's Permissions - Leadership Academy

    This article describes how to view another account holder’s permissions, including their course history and role within each course and community of practice.

    Why would an admin want to view a learner’s permissions?

    There are several common reasons an admin would want to view a learner’s permissions:

    • To check if a learner is enrolled in a course: Sometimes a learner says they cannot view a course they thought they were enrolled in, but an admin believes the learner was included in the roster. Checking a learner’s permissions will allow the admin to diagnose the issue (e.g. if the learner was enrolled using a different email address).
    • To view the course history of a learner or another admin: Often, admins try to ensure that they are not asking too much of a Sponsor or another admin. Being able to see the previous courses that someone was a Sponsor or admin for helps with this goal.

    How to view a learner’s permissions

    1. Click on the admin tools icon on the top right of any page.
    admin tools

    2. On the left panel, click Members.
    admin tools members

    3. Locate and click on the correct account. Tip: for faster navigating, use the search bar, status filter, and/or sort any columns in the page.
    admin tools members navigation

    4. On the left panel, click View Permissions.
    members view permissions

    5. On the next page, you will be able to view the account owner’s roles in each of the courses and communities of practice they are in, including as a cohort member (i.e. learner), admin, etc.

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  • Updating Accounts as an Admin - Leadership Academy

    This article describes how to modify an individual account profile as an admin. Most often, admins modify the profiles of Sponsors and learners.

    If you are a learner wishing to update your profile, view our article about creating and editing your profile.

    Why would an admin need to modify another account owner’s profile?

    There are several common reasons an admin would update an account profile:

    • Sponsor: Sometimes Sponsors and/or Executive Sponsors are listed in a course’s Featured User list but are not expected to update their profile themselves. Instead, an admin can add this information to their profile, such as job title.
    • Learner: Admins may wish to change learner profile information for a variety of reasons. For example, if the learner’s email address has changed (due to an acquisition or name change), the admin should update the email address listed on the account to avoid the problem of a learner having multiple accounts. An admin may also wish to trigger a password reset, deactivate a learner’s account, and/or update the learner’s manager if the My Team feature is enabled.

    Which fields can learners update themselves?

    Learners can update their first name, last name, email address, title, location and bio.

    How to modify an account profile

    1. Click on the admin tools icon on the top right of any page.
    admin tools

    2. On the left panel, click Members.
    admin tools members

    3. Locate and click on the correct account. Tip: for faster navigating, use the search bar, status filter, and/or sort any columns in the page.
    admin tools members navigation

    4. Enter the information you wish to update in the appropriate field(s). 

    5. Click Save at the bottom of the page.

    Note: If your organization uses an automated data feed, make sure that any data you have updated is also updated in the source data system (typically an HRIS). Otherwise, the data from the source system will overwrite the updates you have made in the platform during the next feed.

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  • How to Create Accounts as an Admin - Leadership Academy

    This article describes how admins can add new accounts to the platform, either individually or in bulk. 

    How to create an individual new account

    1. Click on the admin tools icon on the top right of any page.
    admin tools

    2. On the left panel, click Members.
    admin tools members

    3. On the top right of the page, click Add User.
    add user button

    4. The next page is a blank Profile page, where you can add the new user’s required and optional information. Learn more about the required and optional data fields.

    5. Click Save at the bottom of the page. The new account holder will immediately and automatically receive a welcome email, asking them to set up their password (if not using single sign on) and complete their profile.

    How to bulk create new accounts

    There are several ways to bulk create new accounts:

    • Cohort setup: When bulk adding new accounts as part of cohort setup, you can use the cohort Members page to add the accounts. Learn more about how to bulk add accounts when creating a cohort.
    • Automated data feed: If your organization has set up an automated data feed to send user account data to our platform, you can add new users via the data feed. Learn more about how to set up automated data exchanges.
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  • How to Change the Email Address Associated with a Learner's Account - Leadership Academy

    This article describes how to change a learner’s email address in their account, which is helpful when solving for a learner having multiple accounts as well as when a learner’s email address changes due to a name change, acquisition, etc.

    1. Click on the admin tools icon on the top right of any page.
    admin tools

    2. On the left panel, click Members.
    admin tools members

    3. Locate and click on the correct account. Tip: for faster navigating, use the search bar, status filter, and/or sort any columns in the page.
    admin tools members navigation

    4. In the Email field, the account owner’s historical email address should be visible. To update the email associated with their account to their new email address, simply enter the new email address in this field. 
    user email address

    5. Click Save at the bottom of the page.

    6. If your organization uses an automated data feed, then after this step is completed, you must ensure that the learner’s email address is also updated in the data feed. It must happen in this order, i.e. updating the platform first and then updating the data feed. When this does not happen in the proper order, a new, second account will be created for the learner which will cause issues with their course and analytics history.

    What happens after the email address has changed?

    The account owner will no longer be able to log in using their previous email address. They will only be able to log in using the new email address along with their previous password.

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  • How to Bulk Modify Accounts as an Admin - Leadership Academy

    This article outlines how to bulk modify accounts as an admin using an automated data feed. Learn more about how to modify an individual account as an admin.

    If your organization has not set up an automated data feed to send user account data to our platform, there is no way to bulk modify accounts as an admin. Instead, you can modify individual accounts as needed. Learn more about how to set up automated data exchanges.

    If your organization has set up an automated data feed to send user account data to our platform, learner data will automatically update in our platform as long as the data has been updated in the data feed file. In other words, as long as the data system the feed is sourced from (typically an HRIS) is updated, the data will be updated after the next feed. 

    Note: If a learner or admin changes a learner’s email address in the platform but does not update the automated data feed, or if the email address in the data feed is updated but the email address in the platform isn’t updated, the learner will have two accounts the next time the data is fed into the platform. One account would have the old email address and one would have the new email address. 

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