Occasionally, you may experience a 500 error when trying to add/delete a module, lesson, or activity when building a course. When this situation occurs, there are a few steps you can take to help resolve the issue.
Error when adding a new lesson
For this issue you will need to delete the module you are working on and recreate it.
1. Anything nested under the module will be deleted as well, so before deleting the module, if you have any lessons/activities already created in that module, move them to another module in the interim by drag and drop.
2. Once the module has nothing nested under it, click Edit Module and then Delete.
3. Click Add Module and type in the name of the deleted module you are recreating.
4. Move back any lessons/activities you moved during the deletion. You should now be able to create new lessons under that module with no issues.
Error when adding a new activity
For this issue you will need to delete the lesson you are working on and recreate it.
1. Anything nested under the lesson will be deleted as well, so before deleting the lesson, if you have any activities already created in that lesson, move them to another lesson in the interim.
2. Once the lesson has nothing nested under it, click Edit Lesson and then Delete.
3. Click the Add dropdown in the module you are working on and select Lesson. Type in the name of the deleted lesson you are recreating.
4. Move back any activities you moved during the deletion. You should now be able to create new activities under that lesson with no issues.
Error when deleting a module
Sometimes the system will time out when deleting an entire module with a lot of lessons/activities nested under it. When this occurs, try to delete the lessons within that module first. Then you should be able to delete the module once all the lessons/activities have been deleted.