Tags are an option within course settings that allow admins to categorize their courses by a particular topic or focus area within the catalog. Tags are exposed as a filter option within the catalog and provide learners a way to easily filter and browse the catalog.
Before creating tags, you’ll want to publish the course to the catalog.
Tags can be found in course settings and can be configured by following these steps:
1. Click on the admin tools icon on the top right after logging in.
2. Click Courses from the admin tools menu on the left.
3. Select the desired course.
4. Click the Settings option within the course.
5. Select the Details tab option from the setting navigation bar.
6. Enter a tag under the Tags section. Multiple tags can be added by separating each tag by a comma (e.g. strategy, leadership, change).
7. Existing tags can be selected by clicking the List of Existing Tags button on the right.