This article describes the differences between current courses and ended courses.
One of the main distinctions between cohort learning and other forms of learning is that cohort learning brings together a specific group of people for a specific period of time to share a learning journey. In other words, each learning journey has a beginning, middle, and end for each cohort. As a result, it’s important to understand the difference between a course experience that is running currently and a course experience that has already ended.
Differences between Current and Ended Courses
- “Current Courses” refers to courses that have begun but have not reached the end of scheduled course activities. For example, if a course start date is April 1 and the last day of activities is April 5, then the course is considered Current during that period and will be listed under Current Courses when navigating to Current Courses.
- Please note: since unpaced courses have no start or end dates, they are not categorized as Ended at any point and are therefore always Current.
- “Ended Courses” refers to courses with the last day of activities in the past. For example, if a course’s last day of activities is April 5, it will be considered Ended after that date.*
*Please note: Even though a course is technically Ended after the last day of activities, on the home page and under Courses in our platform, courses are displayed as Current for an additional 7 days, as a grace period for learners. This is because learners periodically complete final course activities within a few days after the course has ended.
- Learn how to navigate to current courses.
- Learn how to navigate to courses that have ended.