This article discusses the unique aspects of creating a Live Event activity when building a course.
- Learn more about the fields included for all activity types.
- Learn more about the role of Live Event activities in the course experience.
Why it’s necessary to build live event activities into the course design even though they will be held at varying dates and times
When building a course, it’s important to include the live events that will be part of the course experience in the build, regardless of the dates and times they will be held for each cohort. In essence, when creating a Live Event activity on the course Build page, you are putting a placeholder for the event to take place at a certain point in the course, which helps set expectations for learners and assists in logistics for admins. Learn more about the difference between Live Event setup for courses and cohorts.
How to create a live event activity
1. Navigate to the Event Type section at the bottom of the Live Event activity Build page.
2. Select the event type you will be using for all cohorts. Interactive Webinar is selected by default, which is the most commonly used type of event (e.g. Zoom, Teams, etc).
3. Click Create at the bottom of the page.
4. You will add the details of the Live Event (e.g. the link to join the event) during cohort setup since each event day and time will be specific to a cohort. Learn more about how to set up a Live Event activity for a cohort. Until a live event is set up for a cohort as part of cohort setup, learners viewing the course activity will see a message in the activity that states, “Date and time have not been established for this event.”
Tips and best practices when creating a Live Event activity
- When adding the Description text, keep in mind that you are creating the template for the live event. As each event is configured for each particular cohort, admins will be able to update the text in the activity in case there is anything they’d like to include for each cohort. However, having a template is extremely helpful.
- Best practice is to include a description that describes what learners should expect at the event (e.g. an agenda), what they should have completed before the event, and what they should have on-hand at the event, if anything (e.g. a case study).
- Make sure to prepare for each live event ahead of time. Best practice is to create a slide deck and/or set of materials that can be used as a template for all cohorts taking the course and then customize for each cohort as needed.