This article outlines how you can run a High Impact Learning Analytics (HILA) report using the High Impact Learning Dashboard (HILD).
By generating a HILA report, you can view the analytics and insights from one or more cohorts. Reports can be generated for courses in progress and for completed courses.
- Learn more about our HILA measurements
- Learn how to download an HILA report PDF
- Learn how to download an HILA report CSV containing all of the data included in the HILA report
To run a HILA report, follow these steps:
2. Click on Filters at the top of the page.
3. Next, from the dropdown, choose the course you would like to report on. (Note: You can only run a report for one course at a time)
4. After choosing the course, select the cohort(s) you want to include in the report by clicking in the open text box and selecting each cohort to include.
Tip: If you have many cohorts to include, you can change the dropdown to “excludes” and then select only the cohort(s) you would like to exclude from the report. The report will then include all other cohorts that took the course listed in the Course section.
5. Finally, select the dimension you would like the results filtered by from the options listed. For help interpreting the output from this selection, learn more about our HILD measurements as well as the importance of properly setting up your learner data fields.
6. Click Run to generate your report.
Tip: Almost every figure and chart is clickable in the HILD, allowing you to dive deeper into the data and gain valuable insights. For example, if you’d like to view the list of NPS promoters and the comments they provided, you can click the green portion of the NPS graph; if you’d like to view who was silent in the discussion activities in the course, you can click the light blue portion of the Discussion graph.