This article outlines how to add a site logo for your organization’s site, which will be displayed in the site header and on email notifications sent from the Udemy Business Leadership Academy (UBLA) platform.
Automatic resizing of logos
The UBLA platform will automatically resize your logo by reducing it to 35px height within the header bar. However, for platform email communications, the logo size uploaded to theme settings in the UBLA platform will render differently in size, depending which email client is used to view emails.
Some email clients will reduce the image size automatically to fit within a specified container, whereas, other email clients will display the logo based on the original size of the logo uploaded.
For example, if the logo uploaded to the UBLA platform is a very large size (i.e. 2,000x1,000px), some email clients will display the logo as that original size resulting in a very large and distorted logo in the email communications.
Logo size recommendations
Our recommendation is that you use the following guidelines when choosing and resizing your logo.
1. It is recommended to use a rectangular logo instead of a square due to how the logo is resized within the UBLA platform. This is because the platform will take the logo and resize it down to 35px height, while maintaining the aspect ratio. So if you have a logo that is square (i.e. 65x65 pixels as recommended for pixel height), on the platform the logo will render as 35x35 pixels and may look small in the header bar.
Whereas, if a rectangular logo (i.e. 325x65 pixels, aspect ratio 5:1) is uploaded the logo will resize in height down to 35px but the width will be 175 pixels, resulting in a more proportionate logo on the UBLA platform. Two examples of a square logo and rectangular logo are provided below:
Square logo
Rectangular logo
2. Regardless of what logo you choose to upload, it is recommended the logo is in.png format - this format allows for a transparent background in the image, and renders in a much higher quality than typical .jpeg format.
3. We also recommend all logos are resized to 65 pixels in height while maintaining the aspect ratio of the image. This allows the logo to be properly displayed on email communications sent from the UBLA platform to participants.
Uploading a logo to the platform
To begin, navigate to the Theme page within Site Settings.
1. Upload your logo file. Learn more about how to upload a file to the platform.
2. Click Save at the bottom of the page.